Pacific Rim

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Über Member
Avatar is one of the biggest rip-off fests ever! FernGully, Dances with Wolves, Last Samurai...

Damn right it is! It also shamelessly rips off an 80's Marvel comic called Timespirits about a bunch of blue cat people who live in the jungle and one of the blue cat-women falls in love with human soldier

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
He is was a big fan of this type of movie.

You could level a similar criticism against pretty much any movie, I would say it is better than any of those movies you name including Avatar. Where did it rip Avatar off btw?

A CGI fight fest is a bad thing? :-D It had plenty of CGI because its kind of impossible to have done it any other way, however a lot of the sets were real, ie the cockpits.

I think that's a bit harsh anyway, there was a lot more to it than that and I thought it was well acted and I actually liked most of the characters.

I agree with everyone about Avatar. I don't think everyone went to see it for a complex and intriguing original story. I went to see it for one reason - what does $300 million look like on screen?.

I was referring to the idea of neural interfaces with technology, a staple SF idea for many years and Avatar knobbled it too. Star Trek: Voyager has done it: Alice
The Doctor's Tardis also has 'telepathic' circuits, so it's been around a while.. So to have it in Pacific Rim is just another familiar SF routine and has long lost it's appeal with me. They probably didn't want to make the machines,say, artificially intelligent as that would be too close to Transformers. So I guess they had to use the old 'neural interface' idea but twist it a little so that you have two people in control. Still, it's just an old idea. A fun variation is a holographic interface which would act, stylistically, in a similar way to what is depicted in Pacific Rim in so much as the operators movements would be copied by the machine. Here's it in action many moons ago....

Lost in Space (1998). Check out 1:44

Anyway, Pacific Rim may be visually spectacular, but it has some glaring plot holes which don't follow any logic.Like if you have the level of technology to open a portal on the sea floor, then why not anywhere?. Building a wall is no defence:blush: ...
The inter-dimensional portal gets destroyed by a nuke. Couldn't they have done this to begin with and spared us this dull movie??.

And how do you suggest I avoid a next line spoiler alert and read the rest of the thread?
(and I'm not worried, not really that much of a spoiler - humans win - shock!)

I reckon the Mechwarrior books/boardgame/videogame would be good for a 'big stompy blow stuff up' film. Believe there is a lot of arguing over who actually owns the rights to enable it to go ahead though


Nah. I want a flim with no stars, a cast of 5 max, a budget of tuppence and shed load of misery. Maybe set in Finland, an alcoholic couple, ill suited and monosyllabic in conversation, one has a terminal illness, they have no jobs............ then life takes a turn for the worse................

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Nah. I want a flim with no stars, a cast of 5 max, a budget of tuppence and shed load of misery. Maybe set in Finland, an alcoholic couple, ill suited and monosyllabic in conversation, one has a terminal illness, they have no jobs............ then life takes a turn for the worse................

Like an Eastenders Lapland Christmas special then ....
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