P*****g off drivers and other myths.

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rowan 46

Über Member
Before The troll accusations start flying, I'll put my cards on the table. This post is not meant to deliberately inflame anyone but I suspect some will disagree.
On lots of threads a couple of arguments and phrases are trotted out regularly. One of the most common is that it is in some way the cyclists fault that (some) motorists hate cyclists. There is some truth to the statement that irresponsible cycling annoys people but In my experience It's more inconsiderate drivers hate cyclists. If every cyclist rode in as saintly and considerate manner as was humanly possible we would still be getting problems from drivers as ultimately it's not our behaviour that's the problem. It's motorist attitude some motorists see all cyclists as an inconvenience and as long as motorists see us as mobile street architecture rather than fellow road users we will always have problems.
The other myth I want to mention is that 90% of motorists are courteous they are not. In real life 90% of people are not courteous so why we should expect drivers to be any better. I don't know. I agree that 90%+ don't give me any problems but I have to ride in such a way as to make that possible. Taking control of the lane at pinch points. taking primary at junctions etc If 90% were courteous I wouldn't be forced into this sort of defensive cycling.
Anyway rant over any myths you want to tackle?


New Member
South Hams Devon
Why when I started cycling regularly as opposed to intermitently did people say,"MID LIFE CRISIS".


The vast majority of drivers mean no harm whatsoever but sadly some are just inattentive or just simply incompetent.
There is some truth to the statement that irresponsible cycling annoys people but In my experience It's more inconsiderate drivers hate cyclists. If every cyclist rode in as saintly and considerate manner as was humanly possible we would still be getting problems from drivers as ultimately it's not our behaviour that's the problem. It's motorist attitude some motorists see all cyclists as an inconvenience and as long as motorists see us as mobile street architecture rather than fellow road users we will always have problems.

Indeed, I was in a car with a family member who was driving on the weekend of the Surrey cycle thing which has recently happened. This was the Saturday.

I'd already heard some comments from other people who we were with about cyclists on the road; and then we went past 4 going the other way. They were in single file (ish), definitely not abreast, and someone in the car made some comment (I can't even remember what) and I started pointing out that no, they weren't in fact riding abreast, and even if they were that'd be fine as it wasn't illegal, and if I were them I wouldn't be cycling any further over to the side of the road in any case as having some numpty come past you with less than a foot to spare at over 50 miles an hour isn't fun.... thankfully we didn't get onto road tax.
rowan 46

rowan 46

Über Member
The vast majority of drivers mean no harm whatsoever but sadly some are just inattentive or just simply incompetent.

I absolutely agree most give me no trouble I ride in such a way as to minimise risk (Mostly we all make mistakes) but that's a long way off calling them courteous drivers.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I don't see any myths being dispelled here only the espousing of a few personal opinions.

Myths regarding UK based cycling are busted through thousands of structured observations being meticulously recorded in detail nationwide and analysed and peer reviewed.
rowan 46

rowan 46

Über Member
I don't see any myths being dispelled here only the espousing of a few personal opinions.

Myths regarding UK based cycling are busted through thousands of structured observations being meticulously recorded in detail nationwide and analysed and peer reviewed.

You're quite right really I just couldn't think of a title for my post. To be fair I don't think I said I would dispell them only mention.


Well-Known Member
I've only had my bike a few weeks and been out on the roads about 4 times. So far I've had no problems with other road users. (Touch wood).
rowan 46

rowan 46

Über Member
I've only had my bike a few weeks and been out on the roads about 4 times. So far I've had no problems with other road users. (Touch wood).

welcome to cycle chat, don't be put off by the rant irl cycling is not dangerous if you are careful as I said 90%+ give me no problem providing I make them by riding defensively and assertively.
TRL549; Drivers' perceptions of cyclists:

"A key finding which should be noted was that, when commenting on the scenarios it was usually the behaviour of the cyclist that was criticised – no matter how small the misdemeanour. Few links were made between the cyclist’s behaviour and any external influences that could be affecting their choice of behaviour; i.e. the respondents’ comments indicated that they thought the cyclist’s actions were inherent and dispositional behaviours. In contrast, the motorists’ misdemeanours were excused or justified in terms of the situational influences. As this tendency seemed to continue across the groups and the individual depth interviews and was unprompted, it is unlikely that group dynamics had any significant effect on this finding. [...] This aligns with the psychological prediction of targeting of members of an ‘out group’"

Mad at urage

New Member
TRL549; Drivers' perceptions of cyclists:

"A key finding which should be noted was that, when commenting on the scenarios it was usually the behaviour of the cyclist that was criticised – no matter how small the misdemeanour. Few links were made between the cyclist’s behaviour and any external influences that could be affecting their choice of behaviour; i.e. the respondents’ comments indicated that they thought the cyclist’s actions were inherent and dispositional behaviours. In contrast, the motorists’ misdemeanours were excused or justified in terms of the situational influences. As this tendency seemed to continue across the groups and the individual depth interviews and was unprompted, it is unlikely that group dynamics had any significant effect on this finding. [...] This aligns with the psychological prediction of targeting of members of an ‘out group’"
Now now! You know that introducing links to and quotes from formal research is something only wierdos* do :rolleyes: ! Opinion and anecdote is where it's at, how can we have reasoned discussion otherwise?

*Wierdo: Someone not wanted in an in-group :laugh:


Random Resident
The other myth I want to mention is that 90% of motorists are courteous they are not. In real life 90% of people are not courteous so why we should expect drivers to be any better.

A couple of years ago i worked in a supermarket and i was staggered at how many people were rude , obnoxious and arrogant, i came to this
conclusion , 30% of the population are peanuts with a further 20% not far behind , 20% are tolerable and the remaining 30% i would say hello to and go for a drink with if they were mates.

Sadly its getting worse


Über Member
Whilst the OP has some points there, I don't think we should underplay the influence real cyclists actions have on people.

I have encountered people who don't even drive who have expressed very negative generalisations about cyclists, mostly regarding riding on the pavement and jumping through pedestrian crossings.
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