Overweight beginner looking to start cycling (Help needed)

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Senior hunter
Welcome and good luck. Always great to hear someone reconnecting with the "freedom machine."

You may glean some knowledge and inspiration from VeloWeb (link below), especially the commuting section.


A Velocipedian
I would recommend this book http://www.cyclecraft.co.uk/. The National Standards Cycling Instructors Course is based on this book and it is an invaluable source of information.

The two other things to get are IMHO

Padded shorts or underwear.
A pump and puncture repair kit


New Member
The bike comes with a Avenir comfort saddle, but I can't find much information on this type of saddle. Would it be worth getting a new saddle? Can anyone reccommend any?
Also, is it a problem that the seatpost has suspension fitted, because of my weight?


Senior Member

Just go out an ride! See how it feels, change / adjust things as you need them. Enjoy your riding and if you feel you need more advice come back here.

I used to spend loads of time reading these forums, now I just nip in and out, and in time so will you, because you will be too busy riding around with a big silly grin on your face :smile:

The summers coming, the skies are blue, just ride and enjoy! (OK they wont always be blue ;))

By the way one of the best bits of advice I got from here was not to keep checking my weight on the scales, just feel the difference in the way my clothes fit and that in my opinion is a great way to look on things.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Hi Jimmy

I had a suspension seatpost on my hybrid when purchased. I found quickly that I did not get along with the changing height of the saddle (caused some pain in the knees - from being too low when sat upon). I suppose some people must favour them though?

p.s. what sadjack has said about getting out in this fine weather and riding is good advice but I think that this is easily comboned with using the CC forum regularly for some good advice and fun :biggrin: Many seem to manage this balance successfully on here!


jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
That bike looks fine to start out with. Make sure you keep the tyres pumped up hard and make sure you use the bike regularly. If (when) you want to upgrade to another bike, that will be an ideal spare to keep for shorter jaunts etc

Keep us posted on your progress


New Member
Cheers for all of your posts folks :blush:

I can't wait until the bike arrives! Just can't wait to get on it and see how I do! I'll probs be pretty nervous but I should be okay after a while!


New Member
Me again, haha

So I've been talking to my friend, and he doesn't seem so sure that the bike will hold my weight? Do you guys/gals really think it will??
Also is it best to get some wide tyres (big apples have previously been mentioned?)


Jimmy85 said:
Me again, haha
he doesn't seem so sure that the bike will hold my weight? Do you guys/gals really think it will??

I think you should be OK. You'll find that your weight will reduce quite a lot once you get into the swing of it.


A Velocipedian
I think you will be just fine mate. The big Apples seem like great tyres, I am actually thinking of getting some myself - However they will have a negligible effect in the weigh support equation.

As others have said you will loose a lot of weight pretty quickly, so don;t buy expensive cycling clothing to start.

Best of luck.

Jimmy85 said:
Me again, haha

So I've been talking to my friend, and he doesn't seem so sure that the bike will hold my weight? Do you guys/gals really think it will??
Also is it best to get some wide tyres (big apples have previously been mentioned?)


Fat bloke on a bike
Don't worry too much about the weight. Bikes can handle a lot.

My bike is a skinny road bike with thin tyres and a fairly light frame. I was just over 20 stone when I started riding (and I'm not much under it now :blush: ) It handles me just fine.


sw3008 said:
I think you should be OK. You'll find that your weight will reduce quite a lot once you get into the swing of it.

I started cycling again with the aim of losing wait too, so far I've put on 3lbs! Here's hoping it's all muscle!
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