Overweight and which bike?

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Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Mod note:
The OP has had some good answers to the original question.
The thread risks turning into a personal spat between a few posters. Whatever the ins and outs of it, please stop now. Any further posts continuing that argument, from anybody, will be removed. Please stick to bike recommendations.


Well-Known Member
Why not something around £50 and used to start with?

I ride on a £30 used bike 15-20miles a day ,my gear is a 2x merino wool jumpers from thriftshop for £2 each to keep me warm and fresh , regular clark leather shoes -waxed with stick of £1 wax so they are waterproof, For a windproof Jacket I have a PINK berghaus one I got for free, I'm a guy so wearing PINK isn't my top choice..but does the job. Pump up your tyres really hard and you will get insane boost in speed as well just from that.

I went From 86kg to 73kg in 2.5 months time just now without spending thousands on a top-notch bike and a silly gear...
Eat your Greens and Keep it simple!

Weight loss is made in KITCHEN not with working out!
Why not something around £50 and used to start with?

I ride on a £30 used bike 15-20miles a day ,my gear is a 2x merino wool jumpers from thriftshop for £2 each to keep me warm and fresh , regular clark leather shoes -waxed with stick of £1 wax so they are waterproof, For a windproof Jacket I have a PINK berghaus one I got for free, I'm a guy so wearing PINK isn't my top choice..but does the job. Pump up your tyres really hard and you will get insane boost in speed as well just from that.

I went From 86kg to 73kg in 2.5 months time just now without spending thousands on a top-notch bike and a silly gear...
Eat your Greens and Keep it simple!

Weight loss is made in KITCHEN not with working out!

What a truly brilliant and oh so sensible post ^_^:bicycle:^_^, most especially the comment made about the KITCHEN


Über Member
Echo the 'respect' of other members' comments and general suggestions are good - and I bow to their better knowledge on anything bike-related.
Without question you will start losing weight when you start cycling; you don't NEED to pair in with a strict diet, in fact I recommend you don't. Get out on your bike little and often (even if you only have 20-30 mins on a couple of consecutive days) and I bet that will give you the motivation to eat a little better. If you plan for a cycle on Sunday morning, you'll be amazed how much easier it is to eat a healthier option and turn down the whole tub of Ben and Jerry's the evening before!
Don't force yourself to go without, just wait until you willingly choose to.
Good luck, you'll be down to 20st in no time

John Peel

Senior Member
Cheshire England
Hi all

Any and all advice v welcome.

Thank you I’m advance.

I am tipping scales at 23 stone and really need to exercise and do something before my body and weight is really out of control. 6ft 3 and always been heavy set but now just plain fat and obese.

I am looking a little advice regarding a bike. I feel motivated to get out on a bike and hope this will spare me on to get into shape and buck up unhealthy habits.

Hoping to get out on raids aroud where I live.

I looking some Pointers as to any advice for a bike that would be a good option. Something that will work with me and allow me to get going. Not sure what a budget should event be.

That’s it for starters.

Thank you again for any pointers and advice


:smile: I set out on my world tour at 25 stone last August. That's right! I'm the biggest guy ever to attempt to cycle the world, and it hurts like hell :smile:

Seriously, I had never cycle toured before and not even a regular cyclist, I wear clothes I get from ebay because I can't get cycling clothes without the words Fat Lad at the Back written on them, and my arse hurts daily as the saddle tries its hardest to cut me in half.

But you know, I have a heavy build and I'm 6ft with shoulders like barn doors. An hod-carrier from leaving school and a hard life in the building industry and a face full of bacon and egg butties, and I am what I am. Well, I am what I am now, which is a couple of stone lighter after just 3300 km's through England, France, Spain, Southern Spain, and now knocking at the gates of Italy.

I would go for a hybrid style of bike with some bloody strong wheels if I were to just be planning on road cycling. I went for an expedition strength bike due to being off road at times and on crappy roads too. Schwalbe tyres and a good saddle too. I went for a Brooks B17 and it hurt like crazy for the first month, as I was told that it takes the shape of your butt. The ever changing shape of my butt now, means the saddle is almost unrecognisable as a saddle :smile:, but comfy.

Padded shorts are a must. Trying to get them in 5xl was not easy, so I went for 4xl. Now I look like I'm trying to get a 500g of sausage meat into a 300g skin :smile:, so I wear shorts over them of course.

Oh, and forget about looking for a light bike, it's hardly going to make a bit of difference to you. Pay £100 more for a bike that weights 2lb less, and lose 2lb easily in your first week of cycling, and that's basically £100 down the drain. And the heavier the bike, the more of a workout you'll get :smile: If you get down to half your current weight, like a racing snake, spending money on a few grams might be worth it, but that's highly unlikely.

Hope this helps
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I'd 2nd John's comments regarding wheels. I'm 100kgs and found that the standard wheels that come with bikes a weak point. Regularly going out of true. I've bought hand made wheel twice and not had problems since. The last pair seem bullet proof. OK they're not light, but I opted for strength over light weight. They weren't dear and compared to the £15 cost of having a wheel trued at my LBS will soon pay for themselves.

I guess I could learn to true a wheel, but maybe later^_^

Note to self, keep the original wheels and put them back on when you sell the bike. :blush:
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