Just a quick question. I cycle and drive and i was in the car yesterday going along a busy road which is one lane each way, it has double white centre lines so no overtaking.
Infront of me were 2 mountain bikers, one on the pavement, his friend on the road. Doing good pace of around 15mph seeing as it was a slight incline.
There were no cars coming the other way but overtaking isnt allowed.
Would you stay behind the cyclist at 15mph for around a quarter mile with drivers behind you getting angry and the cyclists potentially wondering why you are going so slow behind them or overtake meaning going over the white lines?
Infront of me were 2 mountain bikers, one on the pavement, his friend on the road. Doing good pace of around 15mph seeing as it was a slight incline.
There were no cars coming the other way but overtaking isnt allowed.
Would you stay behind the cyclist at 15mph for around a quarter mile with drivers behind you getting angry and the cyclists potentially wondering why you are going so slow behind them or overtake meaning going over the white lines?