Had my first dose of he AZ vaccine last Thursday (4th March).
My docs rang me with the appointment date and time last Tuesday and I just had to go to a different, (but still very local), health centre for it.
All done very efficiently and my only symptom is a bit of pain just at the injection site, which only started after about 48 hours. It's still a bit sore to press now but I'm certainly not complaining, I'd take that every time versus some of the potential side affects.
FWIW I'm 48. My Sister will be 54 in 5 days time but she's not heard anything yet, same town different docs, also rather annoyingly she's a teacher and will be back in school from tomorrow, go figure!. There's a woman who works at her school who's a foster carer, she's had hers because she was eligible due to having two foster kids, but she would have been eligible as a teacher despite working with 1200 ankle biters