Outside storage?

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Has anyone found a satisfactory solution to external brompton storage?

Ideally after a metal locking solution, I would put an anchor into the ground below to chain the brompton and resin in some concrete screws so the box couldn't be easily moved.

I'm not in a majorly high crime area (frequently forget my keys in the front door / car) But did have a kids balance bike go missing a few years ago when it was left out the front.

The storage would likely go next to the front door, so lots of surveillance about, and we have a camera there too.


Kilometre nibbler
But surely the whole point of a Brompton is that it folds up so small that you keep it with you and never have to leave it unattended outside? Surely you can find enough space inside to stow a Brommie? If you are very fastidious about muckiness you can put a cover on it. Sounds like what you want is a miniature Asgard bike shed https://www.asgardsss.co.uk/bike-cycle-storage


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Thieves don't worry surveillance as they just don' a hoodie.
Just secure it the best way you can. If it's not visible to passers by would help.
We have an electric fence here but it didn't stop thieves coming in the night to steal our outside wall lights.


But surely the whole point of a Brompton is that it folds up so small that you keep it with you and never have to leave it unattended outside? Surely you can find enough space inside to stow a Brommie? If you are very fastidious about muckiness you can put a cover on it. Sounds like what you want is a miniature Asgard bike shed https://www.asgardsss.co.uk/bike-cycle-storage

Yes, but at the moment; 3 prams, a car seat, work bags, a turbo trainer are taking up a lot of the available space inside.

I have a large asgard in the back with my other bikes, but thought a small metal solution would work for the front.

My thinking was that a metal locked shed with a chained brompton inside would be enough of a pain not to bother.

I've previously looked at this but couldn't get an answer on the internal dimensions; https://www.diy.com/departments/ant...OawWtqg_JmVG9-fLPnsaAvEWEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Senior Member
Priorities, priorities…..A Brompton is worth a lot more than car seats (put in car?) , prams or even probably a turbo trainer. Just think which is more likely to go missing and can be easily sold on at premium. The rest of the stuff could go outside.


Legendary Member
Fit a ground anchor.

Get a dustbin, cut a hole in the base large enough to accommodate the ground anchor.

Please Brompton in dustbin and lock it up.

Not that any sheetbag woukd think to look in a dustbin for a bicycle, you could chuck an old blanket etc in afterwards to disguise it.

It's out of sight, out of mind, and sheltered from the elements.

No need to thank me ;)


Fit a ground anchor.

Get a dustbin, cut a hole in the base large enough to accommodate the ground anchor.

Please Brompton in dustbin and lock it up.

Not that any sheetbag woukd think to look in a dustbin for a bicycle, you could chuck an old blanket etc in afterwards to disguise it.

It's out of sight, out of mind, and sheltered from the elements.

No need to thank me ;)

Smart Idea - I like that.


Legendary Member
Smart Idea - I like that.
I'm not just a pretty face!



I've previously looked at this but couldn't get an answer on the internal dimensions; https://www.diy.com/departments/ant...OawWtqg_JmVG9-fLPnsaAvEWEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Have you measured a folded Brompton? In particular your folded Brompton ( I mention this as mine with the extended seat post, doesn't fold as small as one with the standard one).

If it's close to external dimensions of that box, then it might be worth a punt. You can always send it back. It doesn't look very thick metal, so I'd assume the internal dimensions wouldn't be hugely different - just that lip to worry about.
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