Strange. We heard the neighbour go down the garden last night. There was a lot of squawking, then silence. We though "oh shoot, he has necked them".MORNING ! I suppose you are wide awake @Dave7 ?
This morning there is some crowing but not as loud and not 'on&on' like it was.
I wonder if he has caged them??
As I said eatlier, relationships are a bit strained after 2 events......
1. A neighbour across the road came to our
house to moan about them. I told her
"sorry, I am not prepared to start calling
them. If you have a problem you must
talk to them". 2 days later next door's cut
us dead. I assume the woman across the
road was causing trouble.
2. Mrs D's Mum was close to dying so
Mrs D
was stressed out. Next door was leaving
thier dog in the garden all night and it
barked, all night. Mrs D eventually lost it,
went round and apparently gave them
both barrels. Her Mum died next day,
Mrs D went round and appoligised for her
rant......even took a box of chocolates for
the kids. But the damage was done