Little Miss, when she was 8 weeks old, was taken on holiday to Slovenia. She then went 11 days without pooing. Panic-stricken calls to doctors back home met with reassurance that this could be quite normal, and that as long as she was otherwise healthy we could leave it.
One afternoon, on day thirteen, we were sitting at an outdoor restaurant on the shore of the alpine lake that Little Miss was named after, having lunch. There was a sudden, loud sound - reminiscent of a large bag of very wet custard being rolled down a roof and falling off onto the ground. This was followed shortly afterwards by an eyewateringly ferocious stench.
As you can imagine, there was so much cr*p that it was running out of the neck, armholes and legholes of her babygro. She was basically lying in a poo-filled suit. I took her off to change her, which proved rather difficult in a toilet with no baby-changing facilities and a floor swimming in urine. It would have been quicker to just throw her in the lake and rinse her off, and I think I used about two packets of baby wipes and countless nappy-sacs to put the dirty ones in, as well as having to bag up her browned-out babygro.
We quickly paid and left as she was reduced to lying in her buggy in a nappy, and we were afraid that Vesuvius might erupt again and the buggy might have to be binned...
So Dom - how's lunch ?