.......... Flat bars (with bar ends for a second position)........
Yes I do !!!!Ahhh... nah, you don't really want to hear my opinion of hybrids![]()
Yes I do !!!!
Great bikes for people who don't enjoy cycling! There's nothing hybrids can do that another bike cannot do better.
A slightly biased opinion if you don't mind me saying so! Perhaps you live in an area with good cycling roads on your doorstep? I am not so fortunate. Busy trunk routes heading north and south; sea to the west, and another narrow trunk route with a painful climb to the east. So the alternative routes I take involve a certain amount of off roading on dirty bridleways and/or LandRover tracks. So I would argue that my hybrid (Tricross) CAN do something that another (road) bike cannot do better. The usual story of each to their own; not everyones circumstances are the same.
I have a road bike too, but it only gets used when I take the train to a more suitable start point, where I can use it for the purpose it was intended, rather than dragging it over off road routes.
Riding a hybrid and losing a couple of mph certainly does NOT mean that I don't enjoy cycling!
Hybrid? Hybrid? What the **** is a hybrid?
- here's one definition:
An organism that is the offspring of two parents that differ in one or more inheritable characteristics, especially the offspring of two different varieties of the same species or the offspring of two parents belonging to different species. In agriculture and animal husbandry, hybrids of different varieties and species are bred in order to combine the favorable characteristics of the parents. Hybrids often display hybrid vigor. The mule, which is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse, is an example of a hybrid. It is strong for its size and has better endurance and a longer useful lifespan than its parents. However, mules are sterile, as are many animals that are hybrids between two species.
interesting points about vigour and sterility - think I'll stick with a road bike![]()
In bicycle classification terms the word 'hybrid can always be replaced with a word or words which give a much better understanding. It is my strong belief that if we/the bicycle industry stopped using this lazy term that more people would be riding bikes which are more suitable for their needs.