One of my favourite facts is

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Dayvo said:
As is the number of living!

yes, but everyone who's living will also one day be dead, thus will contribute to the dead. And this isn't only the case now, but has always been the case, therefore there MUST be more dead people than alive people, and not only that but there must ALWAYS have been more dead people than alive.


vernon said:
What exactly is a cubic square mile of fog? It's not a unit that I recognise.

You can have a square mile which is two dimensional or a cubic mile which is three dimensional. I can't get my head around a cubic square mile unless I'm missing something that's glaringly obvious.

to distinguish it from an irregular cubic rectangular mile, of course! i would have thought that was obvious...:biggrin:


SW London
bonj said:
yes, but everyone who's living will also one day be dead, thus will contribute to the dead. And this isn't only the case now, but has always been the case, therefore there MUST be more dead people than alive people, and not only that but there must ALWAYS have been more dead people than alive.

Not true.

If 2 people have 5 kids and then die, you'd have 2 dead and 5 alive. If each of the kids have 5 more kids etc. etc.

My original statement was rubbish though I concede.:biggrin:


Re member eR
The heat of the beat is directly proportional to the throb of the knob if the angle of dangle is constant.:biggrin:


Pottsy said:
Not true.

If 2 people have 5 kids and then die, you'd have 2 dead and 5 alive. If each of the kids have 5 more kids etc. etc.

My original statement was rubbish though I concede.:biggrin:

yeah but eventually the 5 kids will be dead. What then?
If you think about it in terms of generations, a generation is - say, 25 years. Someone lives till on average 75. Therefore for the sake of argument there are 3 generations per lifetime.
So, in 75 years you would expect the 2 x 3 people to have died. But also, each 25 years the 5 kids from the end of each of the *previous* generations will also die. So in total, in 75 years 2 x 3 + 5 x 2 = 16 people will die. But only 15 will be born (3 x 5). So that's a loss of one person per 75 years.
Now some may very well be chavs and just breed and breed and breed and have about 9 kids, but when you take into account all the ones that die of dyssentry, fall down lift shafts, alcoholics, eaten by lions - this is easily snaffled up.


New Member
Henry the 8th died on a Friday.


Legendary Member
Yuri Gagarin was NOT the first man in space! Fact. You know why? Glasnost allowed the official log of his mission to be read and it transpires he ejected at 4,000 metres and parachuted to earth. Under the recognised terms of space travel, the asto/cosmonaut had to return to earth with his craft. This was to stop unscrupulous nations sending an astronaut on a one-way trip with no hope of getting them back so they could say they put a man in space. Therefore the honour of the first man in space belongs to.......God Speed John Glenn.


Arch said:
No. Their joints work in the same way as any other quadruped. But in a horse, say, the 'knee' in the middle of the back leg is actually the ankle, which is why it seems to bend the 'wrong' way - the knee (the joint between femur and tibia) is higher up the leg. (my annotations below)

View attachment 2592

Elephants have the joint between femur and tibia lower down, as their weight is more directly over the leg than a horse. Therefore the knee is where you expect it, in human terms, and the ankle is lower and much less flexible.

View attachment 2593

All mammals have two humeri, two radii, two femora and two tibiae, except some cetaceans (dolphins and whales) who have only vestigial or missing hindlimbs. Two femora and two tibiae means two knees, maximum.

Montage, no, not a biology teacher, an archaeologist specialising in animal bones.:tongue:

Ah, that explains it, thanks.


Openly Marxist
FBOAB said:
The bit that ticket collectors punch out of train tickets are called didcots.

That particular fact is not so much a fact as a made-up thing. Have you been watching that channel called Dave?
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