Married to Night Train
- Location
- Salford, UK
alecstilleyedye said:the one thing i can never get my head around is why, when the real cause of a bad mood is known to be physical, it's always seen as other people being in the wrong. why are allowances for circumstances never made?
and god help us men if we state the obvious…
Do you mean, why do women suffering from a bad mood take it out on others? I can see your point, but have you never had a headache and snapped at someone because of it?
I sometimes find myself feeling in a bad mood and recognise it, and do try to make allowances - in fact I'm most likely to just keep myself to myself and let it pass, but then I'm lucky that I can be flexible like that at the moment. More often I just get a plummet of depression - and similarly, like to be alone. But when you're inside a bad mood, you don't always realise it until you've snapped.