Ah yes, they don't half stop suddenly when you press the clutch !
Been there, done that in the BMW 325 my uncle had. I think I still have the imprint of the steering wheel on my head.

Ah yes, they don't half stop suddenly when you press the clutch !
I did that in my 40s, when we bought the XKRAh yes, they don't half stop suddenly when you press the clutch !
A car like that doesn't really need a servo. My '68 Cortina didn't have one and a good stomp on the pedal would lock the wheels up on a dry road if required, and that's on much better tyres than it came with from the factory. You can't brake any harder after all. Also I recall my driving instructor had replaced his car (maybe Chevette?) with a newer model whilst I was learning to drive - stood the new on on its nose first outing as the new one had a servo. Anyhow, servo'd brakes don't stop any quicker but you don't have to press as hard
As an aside, my first experience with air brakes was a bit of a shock. Hired a 7.5 tonner to move some stuff, since, being old, my licence covers such vehicles - presumably our test was a lot stricter :-). I pressed the brakes and there was no resistance at all but there was at least a half second delay, so you press down further, then the brakes jam on hard. You had to learn to decide if you wanted slight braking, medium or full-on, then press the pedal accordingly and wait until something happens
Keeping it in the family...
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@CharlesF@Richard A Thackeray You certainly spot interesting vehicles.
The specific tax fiddle was that you could have a van as a company car and the taxable benefit was a flat rate of £500 a year - which was perhaps fair enough for a transit or astramax, but there was also a market for van-ized Discoveries for one-man-band companies giving themselves £30k discos out of pre tax income. The big 4x4 luxury crew cab pick ups had the same motivation
Close, about 90% of an L200's chassis and underpinnings modified into some kind of weird semi monocoque with a people carrier body atop, amd L200/Pajero drivetrains. Good ones can fetch tidy money these days,‘Twins’!
Wednesday 13th
Personally, l wouldn’t call them classics, but this is the only thread close enough to use
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Mitsubishi Delicias
Gladstone Street
Essentially, a Shogun, under the skin
(as far as l understand)