Kilometre nibbler
I struggled up Yorks Hill again yesterday. Just had a look at my GPS details and the slowest I got was 33 rpm/ 4.4 kmh (2.6 mph). I think I'm going to stop including it in my rides, it's just stupid.
Then there’s the Harlech hill, which I’ve only ridden past the top of, seen the sign and entertained no thoughts of trying to ride up or down it.
I remember riding up Rocky Road in Belfast, which is like a vertical wall and 20%for about 200 metres. It wasn't a pretty sight because at the time I was using a compact with 11-25 cassette,and no way in hell would I ever try it again using that combination. I swayed more than a towel hanging from a washing line on a windy day and my cadence dipped to a horrendous 30rpm, I can only imagine what my heart rate was.
Tell us the gradient of your slowest ever cadence climb and the gearing you used to get up it.
I do run biggish gears 36/30 being the lowest
Going up The Struggle to Kirkstone Pass from Ambleside, I was overtaken by walkers.I was once overtaken by a jogger on Frocester Hill, Gloucestershire.
As a relative newbie [2 yrs in] every damn hill!This year to help strengthen the old legs ive been attacking a hill which goes up to a windfarm. Theres posts at the side of the track by which i can measure my progress,,,which goes like this- pedal until my heart feels like its exploding and lungs bursting then stop and recuperate...and then set off again and repeat. Whether this might bring on a heart attack [im no spring chicken] fffftttt who cares, im fatalistic and gotta die of something.
Anyhow i can now ride 90% of it without stopping and could get to the top except it gets so gravelly i get wheel spin
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Hi roubaixtuesday, its by the river Brora in the HighlandsBeautiful pic, can I ask where it is?