One of each and a cup of tea.
ComedyPilot Secret Lemonade Drinker Location The Kingdom of Yorkshire 17 Mar 2009 #16 One of each and a cup of tea.
Hover Fly Lazy so and so Location Besides the lake, beneath the trees 17 Mar 2009 #17 Calamari in a casu marzu sauce with wild pasta.
4F Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby Location Suffolk. 17 Mar 2009 #19 lightly grilled badger spleens on a bed of basmati rice.
alecstilleyedye nothing in moderation Moderator Location the post-brexit wasteland 17 Mar 2009 #20 pepperoni pizza and a nice cold beer? oh, sorry, that's what i just had…
OP OP BigonaBianchi Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat. Location Iskele TRNC & Mordor UK 17 Mar 2009 #21 and the winner is..... None of you so far