Why use anything other than brake cleaner?
Here we go again. Why favour a task-specific product over a general purpose solution. Aren't our homes and garages full of products meant to do only one thing and one thing only?
Target for crawling insects
Target for flying insects.
Kitchen Cleaner
Stainless steel surface cleaner
Glasstop stove cleaner
Stove cleaner
Bathroom Cleaner
Shower Cleaner
Ammoniated cleaner
Toilet cleaner
Thick bleach
Thin bleach
Bleach for coloured items.
Carpet cleaner
Upholstery cleaner.
Leather cream.
Leather saddle cream
Eyeglass cleaner
Windscreen wash solution
Window cleaner
Keyboard cleaner
iPad wipes
Car shampoo
Dog shampoo
Bicycle shampoo
Engine cleaner
Chain cleaner
Brake cleaner
Engine cleaner
Kettle descaler
Coffee machine descaler.
Steam iron descaler
All this BS was invented to get my money. If you read the ingredients on the bottles of household cleaner you'll see they all contain the same stuff.
Don't even get me going on cosmetics - eye cream, wattle cream, hand cream, moisturizer for day, moisturizer for night, shampoo, shower gel, bath soap... And whilst I'm at it, will the moderator in charge please get rid of the auto spell correction thing on here with an American bias. I did NOT spell moisturizer with a Zee.
Screw this I say. The only cleaning products you need in the house is vinegar and toilet paper. The next chapter in my rant will be about all the different paint products they've forced me to buy and store in half-empty little tins.