Oil/greasing new bike

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Squat Member
Just thought I would ask out of interest, as a new bike is all shiny I was wondering when is best to start oiling the gears/chain?

What product do people tend to use and recommend?




This is an area of huge controversy, as you are about to find out.

My regime -
- chain: hardly ever, with just light oil applied to the inside of the chain
- derailleurs: even more rarely, with a couple of drops on the pivots on the pivots or jockey wheel bearings
- everything else: never.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Good Evening

I have yet to apply any lube to the chain on my new bike. Covered 671.51 miles on it so far, over the past 11 weeks. Not exactly sure when I am supposed to start applying oil to the chain but in my view - the longer I can leave it the better! When I hear squeaking noises I will check for mice under my saddle. If it's all clear, I will apply a little Finish Line Cross Country wet lube (green top one).



Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The factory lube, whilst good, does pick up crap - I tend to oil the chain after a couple of rides, but give it a good wipe to remove the sticky stuff on the outer plates.

Use a good quality chain oil - Finish Line, White Lightening etc, and just get the bottle droppers - put just a drop on each chain roller - that's all you need. No need to coat the links, as they will become coated anyway. Once you've let the oil sink in, give the chain a quick spin, then wipe it.

TBH if it stays dry, you'll not have to do much for a while, but oil after each wet ride.


New Member
Sittingduck said:
Good Evening
I will apply a little Finish Line Cross Country wet lube (green top one).

Hmm in this dry summer weather should we not be using the red toppped bottle or even better the ceramic wax lubes. As there is crud on the roads a wet lube is not really needed. (Or at least this is what I have been told).
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