That does remind of something that happened this year when cycling along the French Mediterranean coast on a very hot day this year. We had reached a rather exclusive small town along a road that passed the yacht harbour filled with large expensive motor yachts.
It was late afternoon and we were short of water and hadn't managed to find a tap. Then we noticed that all along the line of yacht berths were taps for refilling their water tanks. We picked a vacant berth and started filling our bidons. I'd done mine and found the water was very high pressure. My companion started to fill his just as below us the yacht was returning stern first to its berth. Unfortunately my friend turned the tap on full not realising the pressure he was about unleash all over the very smartly dressed owner of the yacht
. Unfortunately his crew found it hilarious which didn't make the soaked 'skipper' any happier. We left, deciding we had as much water as we needed