Official Secrets Act

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Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
What surprised me was that the signing was not what I'd expected in terms of gravity. Yes we had a briefing on what we were addressing, and I'd not exactly pictured a vault with armed guards, an ostrich feather quill, and an enormous ledger, but the little tiny A5 slip of green paper was a bit of a let down. Especially being bundled in together with some other unrelated and tedious admin forms!

I've actually signed it twice, but since it's supposed to be binding for life I did find myself querying on the second go what the point of that was.
I think the guy replied with something like "just making sure".
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
My signing was in amongst a big pile of Royal Mail induction paperwork, none of which I can talk about.


Legendary Member
I signed it too as I use to build warships for foreign powers
one I built earlier


Legendary Member
Ive signed itntwice, once as a young bobby and once as a skipper. I could easily have declined, but I wanted to be part of the operations that necessitated it and they'd have just turfed me off if Id been defiant over that, no matter how hollow it is as the act does not require a signature in order to be valid.


Legendary Member
I signed the OSA on the day I started work on 22 September 1975, after watching a training film about security and classified information. I designed civil equipment, but most of the sites where I worked were both military and civil.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Like Postman I signed when I was for a short time a postman. It was nearly 70 years ago so probably doesn't count now.😊


An Peanut
I signed an American equivalent that threatened me with all sorts of nastiness. I was importing some military grade equipment (the sort found in missiles), I was under all sorts of threats if we mislaid any of them, which thankfully we did not.
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