Odd factoids

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Lady warriors in the Amazon cut off one breast so they could shoot arrows easier, further and with greater accuracy.

Apologies, wrong thread as this is actually true!


Legendary Member
Lady warriors of the Amazon used the breasts that had been lopped off to make moulds for Christmas puddings. They then invented the festival of christmas to further boost sales.


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Greek mythology is actually completely factual. However, in the modern age the greek government was concerned about the derision their history would receive if word got out, particularly the bits about grown ,en wesring dresses and their history with the gods, etc, so they spun a yarn that it was all a myth.


Legendary Member
The irish originally used clocks as a form of diary. They also used calendars to time short events up to 3 or 4 minutes long. The was to change in 1933 when the Spanish Armada invented, and Jose the Sensible rearranged matters, Jose also stopped the irish from using the potato as a form of currency.


In 19th century England, an extremist group of guerilla eco nationalists were determined to stamp out the potato and restore the parsnip to its rightful place as dietary staple of the realm.

The Satanic Potato Ultra Defeaters ultimately failed but in a twist of fate their name lived on as an affectionate name for the versatile tuber that helped fully assimilate it into national culture, valued for the contribution it makes.

Rumours have recently surfaced of an underground resurrectionist cult - Spexit - dedicated to carrying on SPUD's work. MI5 have only confirmed that if such a group does exist, it will be rooted out.


Legendary Member
The 5 in MI5 is a tribute to the 5 original members of ABBA. When the band was first formed they had a bass player, Sven Volvosson, and the band was called SABBA. Volvosonns death in a brothel with a cactus up his bum was counter to the squeaky clean image of the group, so they dropped him without any publicity.

The founder of MI5, Mary Whitehouse, was a huge fan of the clean cut popmeisters, so when she was secretly asked to form the sneaky beaky group in 1975 she jumped at the chance to call it Mary Loves the 5. The L in love was mistaken for an i and the rest his history. Of course, Whitehouse was herself later implicated in a sex and cocaine ring involving Delia Smith, and was arrested by officers from MI6, themselves named for the 6 original members of the Spice Girls.


Underneath London, there is a secret network of private motorways, designed to enable critical transport to continue in the event of a nuclear war, global pandemic or potato famine. During "normal" times, these secret motorways are only used by the "secret squirrel" branches of government.

The motorway running north/south from Central London, codenamed the M15 is preferred by the home security service, while the foreign office security services prefer the east-west M16.


Legendary Member
London was destroyed by the Luftwaffe during the great Brexit war of 1968. Birmingham volunteered to be a donor, and a small portion of Brum was surgically removed and transplanted to London. The transplant has taken, and London is once again a thriving metropolis.

However, there is a downside. London primary schools now have to give cockney lessons, otherwise the kids tend to naturally speak yam yam, and hundreds of gallons of anti rejection drugs have to be added to the water supply each day.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
19.36 is nearly a quarter to eight which is the latest time to enter Waitrose, buy some posh nosh and get to the tills before it shuts!

This allows their customers to be home in time for a mug of Horlicks before bedtime.
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