Odd factoids

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Half of all the parts of a typical bicycle are in the chain.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
English is the de facto international language of civil aviation - including in France. English is the mandatory language for air traffic control throughout Europe under EU Regulation 2015/340.

Blimey. You'll be telling us Stevie Wonder doesn't like the Archers next.


Leg End Member
That is like saying you are statistically more likely to die in an air crash if you are a qualified pilot.
Which I imagine is true.
What about the passengers?

"In 2001, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) determined that English would, from then on, be the standardized language of air travel, and issued a directive that stated that all aviation personnel—pilots, flight crews, and air traffic controllers—must pass an English proficiency test. The mandatory compliance date was March 5, 2008. Not only must applicants know the appropriate aviation terminology in English, they must also be able to understand English instructions via radio, with no facial cues to prompt them. They also must learn to develop as benign an accent as possible, so that they are “intelligible to the aeronautical community.”"
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