The name Gascoine (or Gasgoyne etc) is an anciunt Norse one..... 13C approximately.
Wealthy people had piped gas in thier hovels and of course they had meters. Meters were fed with Groats (the coin of the realm).
To ensure none of those wealthy people lost thier supply through not having change the gas company had men walking the streets with plenty of Groats.
People would send the children out to "look for the gas coin man". As with all such jobs eg Smithy Gascoin became a recognised surname.
So......any Gascoins out now know what job your anscestor did.
Wealthy people had piped gas in thier hovels and of course they had meters. Meters were fed with Groats (the coin of the realm).
To ensure none of those wealthy people lost thier supply through not having change the gas company had men walking the streets with plenty of Groats.
People would send the children out to "look for the gas coin man". As with all such jobs eg Smithy Gascoin became a recognised surname.
So......any Gascoins out now know what job your anscestor did.