Jefferson and Adams...... yes. 50 years after the Declaration of Independence. Madison followed 5 years later.What... in the same year??
Jefferson and Adams...... yes. 50 years after the Declaration of Independence. Madison followed 5 years later.What... in the same year??
Thought it was English independence day, when we won our independence from the Americans ?Three American presidents - Jefferson, Adams and Madison - died on the 4th of July, American Independence Day.
That was based on their previous invasion of England, led by John Paul Jones, the only attack of the American Revolution on the British homeland and the first successful invasion of England in more than 700 years.The film, Independence Day, is a sci-fi jolly based upon rewrite of the history of war between the Americans and the British. The re-write was required to make it look like the Americans had won.
Some of them had their turrets removed leading to the 262Surplus tanks from WWI were sold to many countries, including Sweden. Some were too badly damaged to be economically repairable, so were sold to the local populace. Mr Sven Volvo bought a number of them, substituted the tracks with wheels, thickened up the armour and fitted a large main gun, and the Volvo 240 was born.
Male or Female?
No need, there is a Costa next to the Iceland...... I’m not sure many people take flasks of tea to drink all the way up there anyway.
The Scottish Government are hoping their Minimum Pricing of Alchohol will address the issue of Loutish Drunken behavior of Pissed up CoffeeIn the UK, approximately 55 million cups of coffee are drunk each day.
Its this kind of innovative thinking that made this country greatIf they diluted water in the summer months, it would go further and negate the need for hosepipe bans.
This is True It has the Patent No. 3. 1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 535940812Pioneering nurse Florence Nightingale invented the pie. Or the pie chart, I forget which.
There is some Bo££ocks being posted in this thread.