Objects in your tyres

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Senior Member
Recently I have had a thorn, and a piece of metal which have caused me a flat and I have had trouble removing from the actual tyre. The metal I eventually removed using the flat-headed screwdriver from my multitool, but the best I could do with the thorn was to snap the ends and leave the middle in the tyre as it was no longer penetrating the tube.

What, if anything do you carry in your bag for such circumstances (the missus might notice if her tweezers go missing) or am I missing a trick?


Sunny Suffolk
Re thorns, I would look to push them out from the inside of the tyre. You could use something from the multi tool to push with if the offending object was sharp.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Get that thorn out. It will eventually work it's way in and cause another puncture.
I carry a Swiss army knife on my cycling travels and commute.
Those solid tyres will never catch on though :tongue:
used to have a kids bike with those solid tyres. now wonder it has taken me years to have the confidence to lean into corners!
(seriously though I don't get many fairy visits and usually wear tyres out first, have even had an inner tube's rubber perish on me because of the number of years it was on the bike without ever being replaced... that was after fitting armadillo tyres to my commute - working in a school has drawbacks called drawing pins!)
Is there a correlation between the number of punctures in the towns & countryside? I'm semi rural.
I have always been rural, and commuted to a rural location as well.


My Armchair
used to have a kids bike with those solid tyres. now wonder it has taken me years to have the confidence to lean into corners!
(seriously though I don't get many fairy visits and usually wear tyres out first, have even had an inner tube's rubber perish on me because of the number of years it was on the bike without ever being replaced... that was after fitting armadillo tyres to my commute - working in a school has drawbacks called drawing pins!)
Think I spoilt myself when I first got into cycling nearly 4 years ago, after reading this forum I asked the bike shop to swap the stock tyres for M+, never punctured in 2000 miles.
I get some but not that many, maybe average 1 in 1000-1500 miles over 3 bikes and 3 different types of tyre.
Should really check more often for debris but it's one of those jobs I forget about until I get a flat :rolleyes:


Über Member
Is there a correlation between the number of punctures in the towns & countryside? I'm semi rural.

I have two main road bikes, my weekend bike which I ride 90% in the countryside, and my commute bike which I ride 90% in the town. The tires on my commuter bike get far more cuts, mostly from glass, despite them being more heavy-duty than the Ultremos on my weekend bike.

Both bikes do the same milage roughly each week, although I am yet to puncture on either!
Think I spoilt myself when I first got into cycling nearly 4 years ago, after reading this forum I asked the bike shop to swap the stock tyres for M+, never punctured in 2000 miles.
I get some but not that many, maybe average 1 in 1000-1500 miles over 3 bikes and 3 different types of tyre.
Should really check more often for debris but it's one of those jobs I forget about until I get a flat :rolleyes:
never bother about checking for debris either - and if I do remember in a blue moon I never seem to find any.
we have 6 bikes between the 2 of us, and my bikes are my only transport during the week... last visit I had was december 2011 and that lump of metal would have taken a lorry tyre out -- I just don't know how I failed to see it on the road. prior to that.... well June 2010 would be the most likely candidate when I tourer on an expensive mtb with stock tyres and wore them out completely and my distance figures are not that bad considering...


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Remember once getting a juicy big fat thorn in my front tyre. I could see the air escaping by the bubbles from the wet tyres. Managed to get to nurse it to a cafe with a slow deflation. Was a right bugger to get the thorn all out of the tyre.
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