They certainly hadn't by 2018. Their marketing strategy was designed to be appallingly, and very carefully, misleading in their most 'sophisticated' markets, and in their 'less' sophisticated markets they chopped and changed with ingredients, in one country using an ingredient that in other countries they advertised as being omitted 'for baby's good health'. In part of one region, they claimed their baby milk was healthier because it didn't contain vanilla flavouring (vanilla flavouring for a BABY?) and in another part of the same region, they sold vanilla flavoured baby milk ... some/a Nestle product/s in Hong Kong and/or Spain (can't remember which one and can't find the exact piece that I read, which BTW was in a major UK newspaper and not the Daily Wail) were advertised as being 'identical in structire' to human breast milk - which is of course a clear physiological, biological, manufacturing and production impossibility, as breast milk changes greatly throughout the duration of lactation.
No, they are still a bunch of lying murderers or accessories to murder, every single one of them, leaching on the burning desire of most mother to give what she thinks, or has been taught, or has been subjected to false advertising about , is the very best possible for her baby, as indoctrinated Nestle, which to this day is still global market leader in infant milk products.
Yes, we know that many babies - and some mothers - have their lives saved by modern baby formulae. We know that if modern baby formulae were not available, many mothers would be tied to the home for months, even years, at a time, unable to either move forward in a hard-fought-for career, or to earn a little extra money outside the home to care for the rest of the family. But no-one should believe they 'ought' to be feeding their newborn baby junk which they have had to pay for with hard-to-come-by money. Vanilla flavouring! Sucrose! Why not just give the kid a Big Mac as a restorative shortly after it's born and be done with ...