There's no one single "fix" for this. Another factor in the whole equation is that people tend to be time poor, and so ready meals and takeaways are the convenient option when it's late and you're hungry.
Also, a distinct lack of kitchen skills. Although I count myself luckier than most, as my mum trained in a professional kitchen, and then she taught me to cook at an early age. Plus Home Economics (as it was back then in the mid-80s) was compulsory for the first two years of senior school. So I've always cooked, and it's never occurred for me to do otherwise. But in the years since, there deems to be a growing disconnect between people and cooking. It's as much a lack of education as anything.
If i know that I'm going to be busy etc, I will batch cook in advance, so all I need to do is reheat something. And failing that, it doesn't take long to whizz up an omelette or a jacket potato.
The thing that really bugs me though, is that a lot of the cheaper options in terms of food is processed / prepared. Which is where people tend to gravitate to if they're on a limited budget and don't have kitchen skills.
I've noticed a stark contrast between the contents of my trolley in the supermarket and those of other people. And yes, I'm on a reasonably tight budget, but there is good value to be had in the fresh produce aisles, in among the dried / canned goods and certainly on yellow sticker.
N.B. The women on my dad's side of the family are all short and have a tendency towards obesity, so I do have to be careful. Let's just say that being a size 16 when you're 4ft 11 is most definitely NOT a good look...