@Crankarm - Whilst your response does have a few assumptions, such as my being fat because it was a way to make me feel good (I never felt good at any point eating crap). My road to weight gain started after a Rugby injury. Whilst laid out I never adjusted my eating appropriately, this led to fat gain ans this fat gain turned into depression which led to me withdrawing from doing about anything and throwing my time into gaming which I ended up addicted to. Whilst I won the depression fight, I was still addicted to the gaming. My little one helped me quit my gaming addiction and as such I have now had time to reflect upon my decisions. They were bad and I unlike many who dont realise this till too late, have the opportunity to do something about it.
I agree with you on much of what you have said, I try to do 10 miles per day (bout an hour), 5 times per week and a longer 35-40 mile run at the weekend (3 hours).
I will be joining a gym, but the reason I chose cycling was that it is a sport I enjoy, and is that not a large bit of the battle?
Anyway, I asked for the help, some hard truths need to be said so I thank you for your honesty.