Apologies if already asked but what fueling/hydration tips have you got for a beginner going on a 30 mile + ride please ?
It all depends, but this is what I've found since I started 2 years ago.
For up to 2 hours, I don't take any food, just a bottle or two of water depending how hot it is.
Before a ride of 3-4 hours or more, I'll have a decent breakast a couple of hours before setting off. I am preferring Museli now, but Porridge is excellent if you can stand the texture.
Over 2 hours I'll have something to eat approx each hour. Home-made flapjacks, cereal bars, or stop halfway at a cafe. Energy bars vary wildly between makers. If I'm having one, I like the High5 ones as they are at least oat based, unlike the Powerbar one I tried that looked like a huge stick of bubble gum (and tasted like it) that upset my stomach

I prefer my home-made stuff, it's way cheaper.
Gels are OK if you like the taste and they don't upset your stomach. They seem to get into the system a bit quicker, so I usually take one for emergencies on long rides. They are really intended for racing where you don't stop to eat. If you're working really hard, you can't eat solid food, but you can suck down a gel. Us leisure riders can just stop and have some real food instead.
Energy drinks are the same, I tend not to use them now at all as they can easily make me feel bloated, which puts me off drinking, then I dehydrate and feel like crap. High5 tabs on the other hand don't do nasty things to me. You can make your own isotonic drink by filling your bottle 25% with fresh orange juice, 75% water and a pinch of salt, that's what I like to leave the house with. Have a mouthful every 15mins is a good starting point.
I was given a bag of Powerbar "Gel Shots" to try. These are basically massive Haribos

so Jelly Babies, Wine Gums and Haribo are far cheaper and do the same job.
Keep it simple, keep it natural