gavintc said:
Remember mags has just invested in a 'go-faster' machine. I do not think he is prepared to accept defeat and purchase a disabled carriage.
Only joking, before I get flamed to hell by the recumbent owners.
Not going to flame you, Gavin. I know you're joking.
But, seriously, I'd hate to see Dave give up cycling because of the common physical problems caused by the upright bike. I know, a lot of people are resistent to 'bents, but a lot of it is due to the misconception that a recumbent is slow. Wrong. All of the Human Powered Vehicle speed records are set on recumbents. Dave would quickly find that he will be faster on a 'bent, than he is on his "go fast" bike....and the numb hands problem would be gone.
Now, I can't promise that you will be faster on a 'bent than ANYONE. Heck, there are a LOT of cyclists faster than this old, fat man, no matter WHAT bikes we're riding. But, I can almost GUARANTEE that anyone will be faster on a recumbent than they are on an upright. Remember, 'bents were banned from racing for being too fast!
I've had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands, (due to work, not cycling), and still suffer numbness on my commuter (a hybrid, with a very upright position). Since the surgery, the pain of CTS no longer wakes me up at night, but I still get the numbness when riding. When I ride with friends on their road bikes, (me on the 'bent), I see them dangling a hand, wiggling their fingers, trying to get the numbness to go away, and I can sympathise with them. On the 'bent, hand numbness is not an all....ever. I don't even need to wear gloves.
I think the prejudice against 'bents will eventually go away, just as it did with the upright bike. Riders of Penny-Farthings used to scoff at the riders of "safety bikes". It took about 30 years before the safety bike finally became the standard.