Many thanks for your email regarding our Bike and Cycling Policies. I am sorry that you are “extremely disappointed” by the policy regarding boys wearing a helmet.
The policy has been brought in after discussion at a xxxx Committee meeting and in discussion with the School Management. The reason for enforcing the rule, rather than just strongly encouraging it, is that in my experience, and after asking numerous boys, one of the main reasons why many boys do not wear a helmet is due to peer pressure, and thus fear of having the “mick” taken out of them for doing so. After speaking to parents, many of them wished that their son did wear a helmet, but had lost the battle due to sustained peer pressure. No parent wants there son to be the center of “mickey taking”. By enforcing the rule, hopefully we take away this aspect as they all have to do wear them should they cycle.
I have challenged the Boat Club boys to try and take a lead role in changing Young Person perceptions on wearing a helmet. I agree with you that cycling is an on the whole a safe activity for anyone to get involved with, however there are risks involved, as with any life activities, and some aspects of riding a bike are relatively dangerous. I feel that we should be ensuring that boys are fully aware of all the risks, and ensuring that they are as prepared for them as possible. I agree with you that other considerations such as cycling proficiency and bike maintenance awareness courses would be beneficial, and I know that the school management is looking at these areas as part of the whole school cycling policies. Having seen many boys display anything but safe practice on their bikes this is very much needed.
I believe that wearing a helmet does make cycling safer for everyone, along the same lines as wearing a seat belt does in a car. You don’t need a seat belt until you need a seat belt. Likewise with a helmet, you don’t need one until you need one. The trouble is we have no idea when we will need one, and thus being prepared is the only way to be, and we need to encourage the boys. I agree with you that wearing a helmet can cause other problems such as neck injury. In Mr xxxx's case, while he has been left with a neck injury that may or may not have been caused by wearing a helmet, but he is also sure that if he had not been wearing a helmet he wouldn’t be worrying about his neck.
With regards to ensuring that the helmets are correctly fitted, I agree totally with you, and will add to the policy a statement to that effect.