Last years Snow Roads Audax, 3km before Tomintoul I hit the wall, bonked, call it what you will it was most unpleasant. Heart rate suddenly went through the roof, vision went blury, energy levels became non existent, hyperventilated, I think you may be getting the picture.
Swerved into a lay-by, sort of throw myself on to a grass bank and lay there in a very bad way. After about 10 minutes I began to recover, the heart rate decreased and the nausea and stomach cramps subsided. I tried to eat something (gel and a bar thing) and used the last of my water (it was a very hot day +22 or so) in an effort to get it down and to try and gain some recovery.
Couple of minutes and it all came back again. Great I thought bonked and now totally dehydrated. Didn't recover; abandoned. A concerned couple swept me up and took me to the control in Braemar. For which I will be ever grateful.
The dangers of bonking in a very remote part of the Highlands are obvious and without the kindness of the couple from Aberdeen I could have been in a great deal of trouble.
To paraphrase Sergeant Phil Esterhaus "Lets be careful out there and look after one another"