Blank n yellow, you really need to grow up, yet again your full of crap
TMHNET, so now im a mug and i dont put in any effort, are you for real. i do an average of 1.5 hrs of cardio a day and weights 3 times a week, ive stuck to a controlled diet for 6 months and lost 4 stone, you really do need to think before you speek.
Are you for real?
Ive seen it for £45 so i might give it a shot, shopping list on Myprotein is now, Omega 3, thermopure, BCAA, L Carnitine, L Glutamine
If you can lose 4st in 6 months, why are you now adding the above to a shopping list? You can lose weight without those and have done.
What's wrong with actual food sources of carnitine? Beef/pork/chicken being the highest concentrations per 100g
What is wrong with dietry sources of glutamine? Which are also very similar sources as carnitine, but includes dairy,eggs,fish,wheat,cabbage,beets,beans,spinach and parsley
What is wrong with coffee,cinnamon or peppers? Which is pretty much what is in thermopure
Why do you need omega3? What about oily fish? nut and plant based oils like canola and sunflower
Does arriving in a jar make it more appealing?