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New Member

I have a problem at the moment, i have was hearing this creaking noise coming from my bike. So i turned it upside down and took the chain off and there was a grinding noice coming from the bottem bracket when the chain set was turned.

The bottem bracket has done about 1200 miles and the bike is new (4 months old). I know the chain, cassette and chain rings needed cleaning, but i was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this.
Also if it is the bottem braket what tools will i need? (SRAM Rival chain set) It is externall BB so i know i need a circular tool, but at quick glance i need another tool to be able to remove the chain set due to the bolt being an allen key but doesnt look like it has enough room to rotate.

Thanks TD


Occasional Pepper Carver
You should be able to use a 8mm (I think) allen key on the non-drive side crank, then you just slide the chain ring side out. As for removing the BB, I just bought one of these. You can use it with an 8mm key or a 3/8" drive.

It sounds like the bearing cartridges might be worn, but try re-greasing and re-assembling and see how it goes first.

I have an identical problem with mine. New bike, Rival groupset (well, barring the chainset actually), and an annoying creak after about 4 months/1000 miles. I took it apart, chucked a load of grease where grease needed to be, and it quietened the creak for a couple of days. But the creak has now returned worse than before. And oddly enough the drive-side BB cup won't budge... so it's booked in to the shop for some TLC.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
1200 miles is nothing to a sealed BB IME. I've one I thought I'd replace in 2007 cos it clicked, or so it seemed, but I did a camping Raid Pyrenean with it the same and it's still fine and is 11 years old.


Active Member
1200 miles is nothing to a sealed BB IME. I've one I thought I'd replace in 2007 cos it clicked, or so it seemed, but I did a camping Raid Pyrenean with it the same and it's still fine and is 11 years old.

Agreed - mine's maybe half that age, but with something over 25,000 miles on it and no sign of trouble.


New Member
Cos it has done over 1200 miles, after that distance bearings start to wear out!

They may start to wear out after 100 yds, but a life of 1200 miles/4 months is ridiculous, if that is the case, you can see why some people moan about the cost of cycling.

1200 miles is nothing - only 75 miles per week - a relatively short daily commute, surely it would not be unreasonably to expect 2-3 years use given that mileage (about 10,000 over 3 year?)


New Member
I don't think 1200 miles is a ridiculous service interval, give it a good service and the click will probably vanish, don't try hunting down the cause on it's own or it will drive you crackers.


The frame needs to be faced (unless it is a carbond one of course) to ensure that the external cups sit squarely in the shell - chekc if this was done when you bought the bike. If not this can lead to premature wear of the bearings. Your LBS should be able to do this for you for not a lot of money
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