I'm happy that opinion on this forum appears to be evenly divided. If goes to show that here, at least, the matter can be sensibly debated.
I won't sermonise people 'go thou clipless' or 'go thou non-clipless'. That's not my job. SPDs are right for some people, wrong for others.
What really hacked me off, was being patronised almost to the point of personal abuse, in 'another place', by certain individuals (who shall of course be nameless, but whom I thought I counted as friends

). All because I had the temerity to put the case
against SPD pedals and cleats on that forum. Being told that my cycling was 'dangerous' was not a useful contribution to the debate.
Ho hum. I shall continue to favour my flat pedals, toe clips and straps, until I end my days in a wooden box, or am otherwise incapacitated. End of story. I'm happy to listen to advice on other matters, but on this issue I require no advice. Good luck to everyone on this forum, whichever pedals they adopt!