tundragumski said:
3. Drink plenty and eat later in the ride (but not too late)
I'd be interested in hearing more on this after Sundays f'up (pardon the french).
Heading out was easy. Took me around 3.5hours to cover the 35 or so miles from Norwich to Wells. The 1.5l of water I started out with lasted me the whole journey there.
I bought a lucazade and another 1.5l for the journey back once I arrived in Wells. Half the water was gone in the before I got to Fakenham, barely 10 miles away. And I was completely out by around 15miles from home. Thankfully I got to Reepham where I bought a large coke and the barman agreed to give one of my bottles a refill.
It took me 5 hours to cover the same 35miles back that only took 3.5hrs in the morning.
I felt the sun was completely zapping all my energy reserves. I didn't seem to be able to take on enough water quick enough before I'd sweated it all away again.
I suppose, in my usual long winded way, what I am asking is - how much water do people expect to need for a 100 mile ride? And how do you cope with 30 degree heat, no breeze to speek of, and little or no moisture in the air?