Lots of good ideas above, you need to learn what works for you, a bit of trial and error. I prefer real food to energy bars, I have a gel that I take with me, it’s done the same mileage as me this year.
I did a 63 mile ride today, a bit of breakfast (fruit, yoghurt and granola), a banana at about hour into the ride, I wouldn’t normally stop but today I did at 2 hours at a bakery and had a sausage roll, on the homeward leg I had a few dried apricots. Staying hydrated is important, but needs vary. I ride with people who will take 2*750ml bottles and need a refill. I don’t seem to need much, today I still had drink left in a 500ml bottle. This isn’t a good thing.
I did a 63 mile ride today, a bit of breakfast (fruit, yoghurt and granola), a banana at about hour into the ride, I wouldn’t normally stop but today I did at 2 hours at a bakery and had a sausage roll, on the homeward leg I had a few dried apricots. Staying hydrated is important, but needs vary. I ride with people who will take 2*750ml bottles and need a refill. I don’t seem to need much, today I still had drink left in a 500ml bottle. This isn’t a good thing.