Hi guys,
Back again after a busy week! I went to my 7th bike shop (yes seventh!!) but still haven't made it to
There's a few points I want to comment on so apologies for another long post!
Bike shop no.7 =
Evans Reading: A lot better than the first Evans (Maidenhead) and I was easily persuaded and about to buy the Norco on the spot until my Sister texted me "have you had a test ride"... No, no I haven't - What did you say about Decathlon sorry??
Firstly (apologies, a rant!) I am NOT a fan of "Sales" people (I'm sure some of you do this as a career and I don't mean to offend) but I am very weary (paranoid?) about tactics but can fall for it. I very much appreciate good/great customer service but I really dislike b*llsh*t. The problem is, I would like good customer service so I trust them / the LBS going forward to look after me in the future. When I hear "that place is rubbish and this bike is AMAZING" (exaggeration) it puts me on my guard. So at Evans Reading when a female worker (I didn't realise she worked there at first) ignored me twice, I then had to go to the counter myself, I spoke to 'Mr Evans Reading' (we shall call him), who was really nice until Decathlon was mentioned. "They can offer £3K bikes @ £3K whereas us little LBS trying to make a living can't match the £3K mark and can only offer the same bike around £4.5K." As bad as it sounds, I was like, wow, good for the customer right?? I stayed quiet and we went off topic but I came back to it... "So what's the problem with Decathlon??" Mr Evans Reading looked slightly confused and unsure about what to say next... "They don't offer the better components and 6 months down the line you will have to replace a lot of basic things to just maintain your bike." Oh, 360 U-turn! I thought they could offer great bikes at good rates?? (Maybe he was only referring to very expensive bikes I don't know!) But I snorted with laughter (yes snorted to my embarrassment) and said I will have to discuss with my Sissy and get back to him on the Norco.
I really REALLY liked the Norco bike, it's been mentioned here and at LBS that it used to do great Mountain bikes but has changed hands like 4 times recently, which again, makes me weary about companies cutting costs etc. And then the Customer Services; Evans is not your local LBS, it's well known. I guess not like
Halfords or Decathlon but for an 'only bikes' company it is, so they are probably likely to undercut the 'real' little LBS!
Anyway! Possibly some major assumptions but he didn't leave me feeling too ecstatic when suggesting I put down my £50 deposit for the Norco before I left, even though he knows I haven't tried it out....
Next day back to Stows! And what a difference! I don't know if they're commission based or what but I went back in and said I've discussed the Specialized Vitas and the guy asked with whom I spoke to and I stated 'Jame's' and he directed me to him. I like dealing with the same person and was glad. I asked a few more questions and he asked me to get on the bike and held the front tyre between his legs while I peddled backwards - wow! How it felt for someone just to put the effort into the little things so I could feel comfy on the bike! Then I asked about trying it out and off we went for a spin around the car park! (I was too scared on the street tbh!)
WOW-WEEE! ........ It was a bike.. I don't get it, I could ride it, I didn't fall off, it was comfy and I felt happy! (Is that all i'm looking for???)
So I was persuaded! Good customer service, good brand with lifetime warranty on the frame (yes, i'm a saddo that will keep receipts for life!) And he offered to extend the first free service from 6 weeks to 12 weeks.. yey!

BUT - Again, I wanted to discuss with my Sissy and the conclusion is: 1. I really like the bike and 2. I'm so tired of bike shops and 3. tired of all the mixed information!
Hurrah! I'm ready to buy! (this evening hopefully

So, to the other points!
@Crackle - Yes, I have thought about all those little buggering extras! A helmet I will need as I'm safety conscious (and clumsy!) And I have briefly looked into locks like D locks and chains and was shocked how much they were! Gold @ £60+! Mudguards, racks, lights! whaaaaa! I think it's the case of let me get the bike first and the extras will be on a separate thread!
@sidevalve -
Ebay bikes just scare me and confuse me even more I think, I rather buy new first time now and learn what I can before investing in anything 2nd hand. The link I sent was 200 miles from me but I am from Leeds originally and going there tomorrow.

As for drop bars, is that a joke?? I am a NOOB and I am SCARED of drop bars. They are for PROS! Pro ROADIES!

I know people say don't be scared and give them a go but as a beginner, they don't appeal to me at all!
@_aD and
@Ganymede - Have to agree with Ganymeade here, I wouldn't be bothered about the weight of the bike if I didn't have to carry it on and off the train. I am 5ft2 and have a long torso and short little legs apparently. I am new to all this so will be feeling awkward with a bike in itself, let alone getting it on and off the train and walking it around peoples at the station. That's why i'm so obsessed with weight; I don't want to struggle with it so it ends up putting me off.
So my next post will be confirming my bike (fingers crossed!) And thanks again for all your posts helping and the suggestions!!
@buggi - Girl power woot woot! Loved the Bad Boy but think i'll stick to a STEP THROUGH Vita Sport to start!