Hi guys!
I've been browsing the site and decided to join for some helpful advice! (I sure won't be able to give any!!) I talk a lot, so sorry in advance but I will try and make this post short..ish!
I posted a reply to the thread "My advice to newbies" based on nooby confusion too!
My background on bikes: Owned 2 bikes over 10 years ago - one was called Bluebell and had no breaks and the other was a Raleigh mountain bike, don't have a clue what model. I stopped cycling at 16/17 but then after years went to a cycle park in Kent last year and loved it and have wanted to get a bike ever since!
There are actually 3 of us looking for bikes, myself, my sister and friend and no, none of us know any cyclists! I knew 1 avid rider from work and he advised me not to cheap out! I think we have all agreed on Hybrids but my sister may need a more chill-out-mosey-along bike - which isn't heavy!
I would like: Something for Fitness and Commuting - Light trailing in the parks (not planning on going nuts over rocky areas or through stream beds or anything!) And for commuting to work eventually (when I can brave the roads!) And visiting friends (If I can ever manage 8 miles!) We have some good roads and pavement cycle paths so potholes aren't an issue. Budget - £300 - £500.
Friend is looking for: Fitness only as above. Budget - £200 max (I'm not able to budge her on this).
Sister is looking for: Complete leisure / mild fitness. Budget - £200 - £300. She's like a fragile little flower and does not want something heavy!
I've visited 2 LBS and a local Evans. The most attentive so far was the first LBS local to where I work. The young, really tall lad was helpful and listened and asked me questions. He suggested the Dawes Sport 2 Ladies 2014 @ £299 on offer. (http://dawescycles.com/product/discovery-sport-2-ladies/) I'm not going to lie, I didn't like the look of it and found it heavy but he said they can order in whatever I like and advise me on it if it's a brand they know well. The only thing I found with this one is that he explained a lot about the gear system and which brakes are best. He said I should always try and go for the disc brakes but they do add on the money. Hydraulic are the best but the V ones can wear over time more than disc brakes. He advised to try and not go below the £200 mark for a bike and I should find a decent one between £300-£400 for what I am looking for.
The 2nd LBS was OK, shop full of young, serious boys and the guy who spoke to me didn't seem too concerned about asking me questions. He offered the Merido Crossway 20 @ £400 I think. (http://www.merida-bikes.com/en_int/bikes/cross/cross/2014/crossway-20-md-413.html) I liked this one more but still found it heavy which was a downer but I was starting to expect all of them would be at this price. He said I should be looking between the £300 - £550 mark for something decent.
Lastly, after hearing so much about it, i visited a local Evans cycles - which was a bit of a let down! (Staff wise). It was really busy so my Sister and I went for a browse and I found 2 bikes I liked and which were not heavy!!
The first to be honest I loved the look of and the name just made me laugh! Cannondale Bad Boy 4 @ £550. (http://www.evanscycles.com/products...080&gclid=CKjtgqb52MUCFdLLtAodoG4A8A#features) Is this purely a mans bike?? I loved the matt finish on it and the feel but felt a bit embarrassed thinking is it mens only? (Plus, if I locked it up near my local area I think it would get stolen!!) The wheels were also a lot thinner than I thought and not sure if that would be a problem starting out on trailing?
The other I loved was the Norco VFR 2 @ £440 (http://www.evanscycles.com/products/norco/vfr-2-forma-2015-womens-hybrid-bike-ec075277) This was so light but the thing that put me off was the whole brakes conversation from the first LBS as it had V brakes and not discs! I just don't know enough about the parts and components to know if this is a good deal for my money.
The Evans staff member finally came round but didn't seem very enthusiastic (the store was very busy so maybe he was tired an hour before closing?) Answered my basic questions and advised I wouldn't find anything decent until I spent around the £500 mark! This slightly annoyed me considering they're selling cheaper bikes than £500 there but oh well, I thanked him and browsed on. My sister was totally confused but she liked the Norco as well but liked the look of the old style cream bikes with baskets but found them very heavy.
I am hoping to visit 2 other LBS' in the next couple of days to see what they offer and narrow it down (rather than confuse me!) And finally take some for spins!
I'm hoping i'm doing the right things? If anyone can advise what I should or shouldn't be doing or asking, please do tell me! I am trying very very hard not to judge a bike by the way it looks but apart from the weight, i'm nowhere near 100% of knowing what exactly I am looking for! I want to do my research properly but really want to start biking soon!
Any advice, I would be grateful!
I've been browsing the site and decided to join for some helpful advice! (I sure won't be able to give any!!) I talk a lot, so sorry in advance but I will try and make this post short..ish!

My background on bikes: Owned 2 bikes over 10 years ago - one was called Bluebell and had no breaks and the other was a Raleigh mountain bike, don't have a clue what model. I stopped cycling at 16/17 but then after years went to a cycle park in Kent last year and loved it and have wanted to get a bike ever since!
There are actually 3 of us looking for bikes, myself, my sister and friend and no, none of us know any cyclists! I knew 1 avid rider from work and he advised me not to cheap out! I think we have all agreed on Hybrids but my sister may need a more chill-out-mosey-along bike - which isn't heavy!
I would like: Something for Fitness and Commuting - Light trailing in the parks (not planning on going nuts over rocky areas or through stream beds or anything!) And for commuting to work eventually (when I can brave the roads!) And visiting friends (If I can ever manage 8 miles!) We have some good roads and pavement cycle paths so potholes aren't an issue. Budget - £300 - £500.
Friend is looking for: Fitness only as above. Budget - £200 max (I'm not able to budge her on this).
Sister is looking for: Complete leisure / mild fitness. Budget - £200 - £300. She's like a fragile little flower and does not want something heavy!
I've visited 2 LBS and a local Evans. The most attentive so far was the first LBS local to where I work. The young, really tall lad was helpful and listened and asked me questions. He suggested the Dawes Sport 2 Ladies 2014 @ £299 on offer. (http://dawescycles.com/product/discovery-sport-2-ladies/) I'm not going to lie, I didn't like the look of it and found it heavy but he said they can order in whatever I like and advise me on it if it's a brand they know well. The only thing I found with this one is that he explained a lot about the gear system and which brakes are best. He said I should always try and go for the disc brakes but they do add on the money. Hydraulic are the best but the V ones can wear over time more than disc brakes. He advised to try and not go below the £200 mark for a bike and I should find a decent one between £300-£400 for what I am looking for.
The 2nd LBS was OK, shop full of young, serious boys and the guy who spoke to me didn't seem too concerned about asking me questions. He offered the Merido Crossway 20 @ £400 I think. (http://www.merida-bikes.com/en_int/bikes/cross/cross/2014/crossway-20-md-413.html) I liked this one more but still found it heavy which was a downer but I was starting to expect all of them would be at this price. He said I should be looking between the £300 - £550 mark for something decent.
Lastly, after hearing so much about it, i visited a local Evans cycles - which was a bit of a let down! (Staff wise). It was really busy so my Sister and I went for a browse and I found 2 bikes I liked and which were not heavy!!
The first to be honest I loved the look of and the name just made me laugh! Cannondale Bad Boy 4 @ £550. (http://www.evanscycles.com/products...080&gclid=CKjtgqb52MUCFdLLtAodoG4A8A#features) Is this purely a mans bike?? I loved the matt finish on it and the feel but felt a bit embarrassed thinking is it mens only? (Plus, if I locked it up near my local area I think it would get stolen!!) The wheels were also a lot thinner than I thought and not sure if that would be a problem starting out on trailing?
The other I loved was the Norco VFR 2 @ £440 (http://www.evanscycles.com/products/norco/vfr-2-forma-2015-womens-hybrid-bike-ec075277) This was so light but the thing that put me off was the whole brakes conversation from the first LBS as it had V brakes and not discs! I just don't know enough about the parts and components to know if this is a good deal for my money.
The Evans staff member finally came round but didn't seem very enthusiastic (the store was very busy so maybe he was tired an hour before closing?) Answered my basic questions and advised I wouldn't find anything decent until I spent around the £500 mark! This slightly annoyed me considering they're selling cheaper bikes than £500 there but oh well, I thanked him and browsed on. My sister was totally confused but she liked the Norco as well but liked the look of the old style cream bikes with baskets but found them very heavy.
I am hoping to visit 2 other LBS' in the next couple of days to see what they offer and narrow it down (rather than confuse me!) And finally take some for spins!
I'm hoping i'm doing the right things? If anyone can advise what I should or shouldn't be doing or asking, please do tell me! I am trying very very hard not to judge a bike by the way it looks but apart from the weight, i'm nowhere near 100% of knowing what exactly I am looking for! I want to do my research properly but really want to start biking soon!
Any advice, I would be grateful!
