Noise and stress

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Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Do any of you have this problem? Suffering stress from noise caused by neighbours? It's always been a problem with me, because after a busy day at work, I just like to relax in a quiet environment, and even more so on the weekend.

What do you do about it? I just can't seem to handle it very well. :sad: I've always been prone to depression, and it's worse lately, thanks to an inconsiderate neighbour.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
What's the issue ?

Ours are fine, but in the past, a neighbour went on holiday and his sister had a party. They put the hi-fi speakers on the front bay window, and were still blasting it out to about 5 people in the early hours. I marched over and banged the door very hard. I said 'I like Moby, but not at 3 am, turn it off'. They did....
It depends on what kind of noise, and what kind of times?

You may like to relax in a quiet environment. Others may like to relax in a manner that produces noise, so long as the durations and time isn't unreasonable there's not a massive amount you can fairly do.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Generally, we are all quite considerate. We did have one person in a near by 'flat' that did have lots of parties with their balcony door open, no easy access to punch their door down though ! No issues recently.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
We had a problem when a nearby pub changed hands and a large number of Braying Yahs started visiting. It was quite a shock, and was doing our heads in. After a few months of lonely festering about the noise, I plucked up courage and asked other neighbours if I was just a lonely saddo and was being unreasonable. To my amazement, they all said that they were as pissed off I was. It was a huge relief to discover that I wasn't alone. What we should have done then is to have politely pointed out to the pub's management that a large number of locals had real problems with the noise, but we didn't because by then we all had a major grudge. In the end, we took legal action to close the pub down, which they narrowly avoided by agreeing to all our terms in the corridor of the magistrates court seconds before the hearing when they finally realised that they might be closed down.

It was hugely stressful. What we should have done is talked to them at an early stage, in as friendly a way as possible. Ask other neighbours what they think, and then engage with the noisy people in a polite way.

Believe me, I know it's hard.....and good luck.
Thank goodness they moved out (I was about to but they beat me to it) they had the occasional party but that's wasn't a problem with me but it was the random blasting out a few verses of a song, put the volume down, then randomly put it up again 5minutes later, etc, etc, etc. Judging by their midnight move they probably got thrown out or jumped just before.


Wheely World
We used to have a dedicated shania twain fan living nearby who played it loudly alot the time. Once they had it explained to them not everyone is a huge fan they stopped.


Leg End Member
What's the issue ?

Ours are fine, but in the past, a neighbour went on holiday and his sister had a party. They put the hi-fi speakers on the front bay window, and were still blasting it out to about 5 people in the early hours. I marched over and banged the door very hard. I said 'I like Moby, but not at 3 am, turn it off'. They did....
I'm not on my own in this approach then?

What gets me is the low thump that can be felt as much as heard. At times I'm "listening" to a home entertainment system from the front, CD's on outdoor speakers to the rear and a TV in a kids bedroom, all whilst trying to watch something on TV.

Add to that the shouting over all the above rather than turn any of them down.


Cycling in the sun
Our neighbour's are fine.... (Past ones at a previous house occasionally weren't). We are literally days away from our problem noise.... It always starts on a Friday late in June, and it's kids celebrating the end of their exams.... And it can go on well into the night. They aren't even in a house, just gathering on a bit of grass nearby! It's always irritating when it happens but only a few summer nights of the year.... The end of the exams is the start of the grass party season rather than a one off. I have occasionally been really pleased at a shower of rain in the middle of the night.


Rollin' along
Manchester way
A colleague of mine has tried the friendly approach approach after months of loud parties, door banging, shouted conversations about tea and the day they've had and big long loud arguments.

The quiet lasted a couple of day and has been broken with a series of the longest loudest parties yet held.

Some people aren't swayed by reason. You could contact the council and ask what their criteria for unreasonable noise is to see if you could gather evidence &complain that way or if they would consider your expectations of neighbourly quietness to be excessive vs average.


A house next to my neighbour is privately rented, in the past all renters have been fantastic, but now there's a young family in there who are fine on their own, but the boyfriend of the Mum thinks nothing of playing music beyond loud at 7am, or during the afternoon or late into the night, or randomly start at 3am after a quiet night. Any time the Mum is out whether their kids are in bed or not, it makes no sense to me. Either that or they've had a fall out and they're in the garden screaming at each other, before the police turn up.

Numerous neighbours have complained, the Mum living there every now and again "confiscates" the stereo cable apparently, but generally it'll happen still.

It's not so much the loudness of the music which is excessive but it doesn't bother me too much if I'm out in the garden it's a bit of "sigh" moment, nor is it the poor taste that bothers me too much but it's the bass.

It's when the thump of it can be heard through all rooms of the house and I'm not even next to this house!

People have complained, neighbours have complained to the landlord. I don't know why they haven't gone the council route, the old lady that's attached to the house is a little crazy cat lady herself and makes it harder on herself as they react to the things she does.

I just let it go.. It's outside of my control, the more it's focused on the more annoyed I'd become and let it spiral into a whole attitudes of people downfall etc. We all just hope they'll leave soon and just smile politely when the Mum talks to us about how she'd like to buy the house.

Some people just have no awareness of anyone except themselves. I figure if he doesn't care it's a school night and his own kids are in bed, what else is he going to care about?


Legendary Member
A house next to my neighbour is privately rented, in the past all renters have been fantastic, but now there's a young family in there who are fine on their own, but the boyfriend of the Mum thinks nothing of playing music beyond loud at 7am, or during the afternoon or late into the night, or randomly start at 3am after a quiet night. Any time the Mum is out whether their kids are in bed or not, it makes no sense to me. Either that or they've had a fall out and they're in the garden screaming at each other, before the police turn up.

Numerous neighbours have complained, the Mum living there every now and again "confiscates" the stereo cable apparently, but generally it'll happen still.

It's not so much the loudness of the music which is excessive but it doesn't bother me too much if I'm out in the garden it's a bit of "sigh" moment, nor is it the poor taste that bothers me too much but it's the bass.

It's when the thump of it can be heard through all rooms of the house and I'm not even next to this house!

People have complained, neighbours have complained to the landlord. I don't know why they haven't gone the council route, the old lady that's attached to the house is a little crazy cat lady herself and makes it harder on herself as they react to the things she does.

I just let it go.. It's outside of my control, the more it's focused on the more annoyed I'd become and let it spiral into a whole attitudes of people downfall etc. We all just hope they'll leave soon and just smile politely when the Mum talks to us about how she'd like to buy the house.

Some people just have no awareness of anyone except themselves. I figure if he doesn't care it's a school night and his own kids are in bed, what else is he going to care about?

With Bass notes the thing is the frequency, for instance a 40hz note has a wavelength of 28 feet so will be at its loudest that distance from the speaker hence the 'thump' which is made worse by cheapo stereo's lack of power and control over the transducer (speaker cone)
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