Just thought I'd just give you all a quick update on progress.
In a nutshell, not a lot.
I'm yet to hear from the powder coaters so I'll be giving them a call in the morning to check on how long it'll be.
I've received a few more parcels (some, rather unfortunately, intercepted by the good lady. I think she's starting to realise what's going on.):
The slime tubes (so my first bit of construction can finally begin now I have the wheels, tubes and tyres), some good quality cable cutters, the bar ends (now redundant due to
@Alan O's generous donation of a set of butterfly bars) and another mystery parcel that requires collecting from the Post Office (I'm going to have to get a bigger letter box).
So, still pretty hamstrung at the moment. Even if I can pick up the frame and forks in the next couple of days, I'm still reliant on the chainset and headset bearings to arrive before I can do anything truly constructive (or destructive, as the case may be).
To be fair, with work and school holiday child minding commitments at the moment, my free time is rather sparse.
At least the fundraising has started to take off. Sponsorship forms have been distributed and, once again, people's generosity continues to amaze.
So, thanks for following. I promise I'll keep you all updated with progress (or lack thereof).