Legendary Member
That`s one thing I`ve never had, seeing myself in a dream, I`m always me - if that makes sense.............
only time in 50+ years, still makes me squirm a bit.
That`s one thing I`ve never had, seeing myself in a dream, I`m always me - if that makes sense.............
Yes I bet it does, hopefully be the one and only timeonly time in 50+ years, still makes me squirm a bit.
Yes I bet it does, hopefully be the one and only time
Ive had this and mine is a Japanese / Chinese string clown puppet at the end of my bed . I cant move or speak but i think i am awake .
I saw something on TV about it and its quite common , the dreams seem to have seven scenarios ranging from the clown , old woman , wolf etc . Now i know i'm not mental i just wake myself up as i know its a dream . Not had it for many years mind you but alot in my 30's .
Me too!!After I retire (whenever that will be), I'm looking forward to dreaming that I still need to get up for work, only to wake up to discover that this is no-longer the csse and to be able to go back to sleep again happy.
I go through phases of bad nightmares. Have done for donkeys years. Kinda got used to it now.Been going through a spate of these lately, don`t know why, this happen to anybody else??
Had a really bad night in the middle of this week, don`t even know what I was dreaming about, but woke up totally cold, and terrified, I had to go downstairs and make myself a drink, and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I was WHITE! I had to comfort myself too "you`re at home and safe, nobody can hurt you" Eventually I settled enough to go back to bed, but why?? I`ve mentioned here that I`d love to change my job as I hate the people I work with, they are nasty but not enough to keep me awake at night, and otherwise life is good.
I`m starting to get afraid to go to sleep now!