night riding

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You must be brave or mad to want to cycle at night, thought only those brave souls who commuted by bike rode in the dark. The main danger is obvious i.e motor vehicles they are dangerous enough in broad daylight . I wouldn't even consider riding in the dark. Get yourself a turbo trainer , much safer

Pants. Indeed, if you have decent lights with reflective kit, I think night time riding is safer than daylight as you stand out more from the background.


Legendary Member
I find I tend to go slower when it is dark. Best tip I can give, as well as a static front light, also have a flashing one. I have my strobe light on my helmet. It is much easier for other people to pick out a flashing light from the static lights.


Senior Member
I prefer cycling at night. Roads usually quieter and a find most cars give me more room, maybe because they see me further off because of my lights. I tend to stick to routes I know so I know where all the big pot holes are etc.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
These days you can buy some really serious lighting firepower for not many £.
A couple of these flashing on the back will make you more visible than you are in daylight.
On the front, if your commute is streetlit throughout the Phaart Aeon from same co. is probably good enough.
For dark country lanes you need to spend a bit more.


Proud Daddy
I love riding at night, the more remote the better! Out in the middle of nowhere all you hear is the wind, your carbon wheels singing and the sounds of the creatures around you. One my loves of cycling is immersing myself in nature and you feel so much closer at night than in the day.

From a safety point of view, you can see cars from a huge distance away so you really can use all the road with no fear. Just get good lights and the rest is history.


Legendary Member
Not to sure?
Another vote for night riding being safer. The down side and even riding with good lights (twin Lumicycle LED4Si lights) you can still cop the odd potholes around the lanes...:angry:


North Carolina
I think riding at night with good lights may be just as safe if not safer than daytime riding too. As was mentioned earlier, I tend to stay with routes that I know where the potholes and other obstacles are. I do a lot of rides that start in evening light and end in darkness. I do this a lot in the summer because the heat during the day while in the sun can be rough.

Wearing reflective clothing helps a lot too. My neighbor has a very nice vest she uses when she is walking and when my bike lights hit it I wonder if there is road construction ahead. I do tend to ride a little slower at night looking for any debris on the road. That is about the worst thing to me about riding at night....well that and the fact dogs could maybe get up almost on top of me before I see them....or the bogeyman might get me.
I have often thought about it, but where I live, if I went out at night and had a problem, I might not be found for a week:ohmy:. I have to say though Mark1974, you have the best Avatar on this forum:cheers:


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Best commutes ever: 6 am or 3 am!
No pesky white vans, hardly any taxis, peace and quiet all round!
+1 ,
Hardly anyone about and if you have the right kit as said already your liable to be more visible and i always get more room when they overtake.... could be the magicshine on the front and 3 rear lights and enough reflectives to land a plane :blush:


Active Member
+1 ,
Hardly anyone about and if you have the right kit as said already your liable to be more visible and i always egt more room when they overtake.... could be the magicshine on the front and 3 rear lights and enough reflectives to land a plane :blush:
Agreed. Plenty of lights and reflectives and cars give me more room when passing at night. Downside - unlit dogs/dog walkers on cycle paths, there is usually one more unseen dog who appears out of the bushes at the last moment.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Agreed. Plenty of lights and reflectives and cars give me more room when passing at night. Downside - unlit dogs/dog walkers on cycle paths, there is usually one more unseen dog who appears out of the bushes at the last moment.
I get bunny rabbits darting across the cycle path i use, stupid things run across at the last moment even though their safe where they were.

Deleted member 1258

As others have said, get yourself some decent lights and just take a bit of care. This time of year I leave the house when its dark in the morning and ride home in the dark, I have one set of flashing lights and one set on constant and the dark commute is as routine as the daylight ones.
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