You must be brave or mad to want to cycle at night, thought only those brave souls who commuted by bike rode in the dark. The main danger is obvious i.e motor vehicles they are dangerous enough in broad daylight . I wouldn't even consider riding in the dark. Get yourself a turbo trainer , much safer
What a load of crap.You must be brave or mad to want to cycle at night, thought only those brave souls who commuted by bike rode in the dark. The main danger is obvious i.e motor vehicles they are dangerous enough in broad daylight . I wouldn't even consider riding in the dark. Get yourself a turbo trainer , much safer
Sorry but that is absolute garbage. Get a decent set of lights and imho it is no more dangerous than riding in the daytime.
What a load of crap.
Nope. It definitely read like a load of crap.Sense of humour fail.
You must be brave or mad to want to cycle at night, thought only those brave souls who commuted by bike rode in the dark. The main danger is obvious i.e motor vehicles they are dangerous enough in broad daylight . I wouldn't even consider riding in the dark. Get yourself a turbo trainer , much safer
Whether or not this is sarcastic or not, this as a first response to the op is unreasonable.