night riding

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Active Member
well as its dark long before i get home from work i decided i would order some lights
i am confident on my bike so thought will try cycling in the dark.
just wondered how many guys and gals cycle at night?
any problems with doing so


slow coach

You must be brave or mad to want to cycle at night, thought only those brave souls who commuted by bike rode in the dark. The main danger is obvious i.e motor vehicles they are dangerous enough in broad daylight . I wouldn't even consider riding in the dark. Get yourself a turbo trainer , much safer


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
You must be brave or mad to want to cycle at night, thought only those brave souls who commuted by bike rode in the dark. The main danger is obvious i.e motor vehicles they are dangerous enough in broad daylight . I wouldn't even consider riding in the dark. Get yourself a turbo trainer , much safer

Sorry but that is absolute garbage. Get a decent set of lights and imho it is no more dangerous than riding in the daytime.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
You must be brave or mad to want to cycle at night, thought only those brave souls who commuted by bike rode in the dark. The main danger is obvious i.e motor vehicles they are dangerous enough in broad daylight . I wouldn't even consider riding in the dark. Get yourself a turbo trainer , much safer
What a load of crap.
I started a thread when I first started cycling around 18 months ago on the same topic.

I can assure you that as long as you are sensinle (decent front/back lights + hi-vis) it is perfectly safe.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Sense of humour fail.
Nope. It definitely read like a load of crap.


You must be brave or mad to want to cycle at night, thought only those brave souls who commuted by bike rode in the dark. The main danger is obvious i.e motor vehicles they are dangerous enough in broad daylight . I wouldn't even consider riding in the dark. Get yourself a turbo trainer , much safer

Whether or not this is sarcastic or not, this as a first response to the op is unreasonable.


Oaf on a Bike
I quite like cycling in the dark on paths through parkland, you have to pay more attention to look out dogs and obstacles but its nice and quiet, if you dont mind the odd weirdo lurking around :smile:

I think in some respects, with decent lights you're more visable in the dark than the daylight.


Über Member
Whether its dark or not makes no difference to me, I cycle in it regardless. I don't find it any more scary (don't find cycling scary at all to behonest) then the day. I cycle in london, so needing lights to SEE isn't a concern or need for me, the roads are well lit anyway. Get yourself a good set of front and rear lights to be SEEN, put them on flash, and go out and enjoy.


Über Member
I have a blog here on my local site, if you want to take a look.

Not finished it yet, but basically have one pair of constant front and rear lights and a pair still lights too. Reflectors on your spokes, wear white or bright coloured clothing, etc.

Best to be seen than hurt.
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