Whereabouts is it, so that we canPlease keep the noise down when riding past my house, Im up early for work tomorrow otherwise would have been riding with you.
Whereabouts is it, so that we canPlease keep the noise down when riding past my house, Im up early for work tomorrow otherwise would have been riding with you.
Yebbut they're the same trains.It's very similar, except that it's going in entirely the opposite direction.
Yebbut one way is likely to be busier than the other at a given time.Yebbut they're the same trains.
Yebbut one way is likely to be busier than the other at a given time.
I will get one of the staff to put tea and biscuits out by the gate for you.
You can overdo this subtlety stuff, you know...ASJT.
(that'll get me into trouble...)
"Are you there yet?" He mumbles...This ride is useless without dawn pictures. Come on - some of us have work to do!