- Location
- Melksham, Wilts
Never found it a problem with Sora yet people always winge about it. Surely your average rider spends most of his time on the hoods anyhow.
I have 2300 on a Defy 4,bought it cheap in the sale to stick permanently on the turbo for winter and then use to commute in summer. The bike itself is lovely and comfy to ride for hours and the bit I have used it on the road setting up I found it quite lively and enjoyable to ride.
Wouldn't touch the chainset with a barge pole though if it was being used to ride long distance on road. The thumb shifters would be a pain {not a problem on the Turbo} and it is very slow/mechanical/noisy and not possible to trim. Spend extra and get Tiagra at a bare minimum.
Many thanks for that.Sora + 2300 shifters have a thumb shifter to shift the chain to a faster gear and the brake lever to shift to an easier gear ( on the rh )
It is hard to reach the thumb shifter when your on the "drops " ( the bottom bit of the handlebar), unless your racing the default position for riding is on the "hoods " so this is not a problem .
Tiagra shifters replace the thumb shifter with a lever behind the brake lever you can reach from the hoods and the drops, it is nice but not a deal breaker as they both do the same job.
I would rather get a bike that fits better than worry about if i might have to move my hand off the drop to upshift as it is going to take what a second or 2 extra to change gear ? as i said unless your racing it is not a problem.
When you go to try bikes i am sure the shop will have some bikes with tiagra or higher shifters that are all in the same position so you can always try them.
Done 76 miles on a 2300 equipped bike and they are comfortable , never have a need to trim mine w and the shifts are smooth, maybe yours needs to be set up right?
Sorry my bad, not as trimable imo.You can trim Sora or at least I could with mine.
I worry that the average CC member would explode should they try to use my bike with down tube shifters and friction shifting.