skwerl said:
because I'd say it takes quite a fit, supple rider to ride a decent distance on a bike of that geometry without suffering a fair bit. Weak core muscles mean holding position, even on the tops, may well result in numb hands, etc. Neck not used to holding that position for extended periods. I'd have thought that a lightweight C2C (for example the excellent Roubaix) or touring bike would be easier and perform just as well for the ride they were doing.
please tell me where I suggest he wasn't 'entitled' to ride such a bike or why I would think you ride a bike you shouldn't. Oh, wait. You do mention a penchant for talking bollocks so I'll let you off with those aspersions
As you saw 'Live on television', Adrian, Alan and the others arrived at BBC's studios on time ( within a couple of minutes of there ETA for 'The One show' that evening ).
What was not told on telly was the amount of training ALL the riders did to prepare for this ride.
A conversation with Adrian at Aylesbury revealed he had been 'in charge' of the bike since before the previous Christmas. The event was on 13th and 14th March 2008.
You have to remember Adrian's job. Sitting infront of a camera for half an hour each evening and then again for some footy programme. He's reading off an autocue so there's not really much brainpower involved.
The mornings and afternoons of every day were spent training - with glad permission from his employers - something most full-time workers rarely get opportunity to do.
One member of the crew was a PT instructor, and I chatted to this guy about PT instruction because I am one too.
All the relevant exercises were included in the training programme.
The final prep was a ride along the worst part of the trip - over the Pennines and up onto the West Mids plateau.
My only gripe about the whole thing was the portioning of riding time vs resting time. As I have said, they cooled down too much at the stops.
There was a reason for this however, it was to allow the local press to get photos and members of the public to throw money at their charity.
The impression that was portrayed on the telly was that Adrian was an absolute beginner. Wrong. He'd been in some serious prep for this event - who wouldn't when it is going to be on live TV?
Specialized GB supplied the bikes. Their representatives chose the model and fitted them to each rider.
I, for one, didn't argue with their decision.
Anyway, along the whole ride, where were YOU. You could have ridden out to Aylesbury and been with us. But you weren't there, so haven't got the memories of all the chat that took place.
YOU are in the same camp as the millions of One Show veiwers who were only told part of the story.
PS I rode 140 miles from LE to Somerset, and the another 130 miles from Somerset to Solihull ( the last 30 with a broken arm ) on my SWorks.
I must be a so fit and supple with amazingly strong abdominals, Erector spinae, trapezius and sternocleidomastoids.