New to CycleChat? Make your first post here and say HELLO :)

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Good afternoon all :smile:

I guess it's all in my profile, but I've joined this forum after a recommendation from the forums. I've just signed up for a 500 mile (Edinburgh to London) sponsored ride next June, and yesterday I rode my new bike to work for the first time! I'm here to learn as much as I can about training, gear and kit, and cycling methods.

I'm very much a commuter - I've been cycling the 8mile-each-way to work pretty much every day, year-round, for a couple of years, but never done any long rides. I don't think I've ever ridden more than 10 miles in a single burst! I've been riding a dirt cheap old MTB that my husband bought me in last year's January sales - it finally fell to pieces last week. I estimate it's done about 4,500 miles, so not bad value for money! But it's time to upgrade, so I've bought a Specialized Dolce Sport Equipped 2013 and yesterday was the first time I rode it to work. It's a big change for me, MUCH faster, different riding position, flappy paddle gears etc. My shoulders are aching a fair bit, as are my hands, so I think it needs work on the set up. A colleague has recommended a place locally that did his, so I think I'm going to bite the bullet and pay up for a proper fitting.

I'm really looking forward to using this place, benefitting from your collective wisdom, and hopefully (in time) helping encourage and inspire newer riders too. Thanks!


Hello and good luck with the Edinburgh - London run!!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Hello, I'm sort of 'new' here as I've been away and not cycling for 2+ years due to a condition I now know is called Mortons Neuroma which got so excrutiating I just couldn't cycle anymore. I've just about recovered from the 3rd of 3 operations..
last week I decided to check over and service my bike with a view to preparation for a return to cycling (been in the garage for a long time)..just one new tube was needed, the bike is in good working order and still well lubed!
Not out of the woods yet; a course of steroid jabs start in 2 weeks time, another op likely if they dont work (yep, looks like another neuroma, bursa or something similar)..I had a vague plan that i'd be ready to start up again next spring but would get the bike ready, see what cycling clothes still fit etc, then I decided I'd try riding the bike, just to get a feel for it and see how far i could go/how much pain I could tolerate. Good news is a planned ride around the block turned into a 20 minute ride around the estate.
I wont bore you about how great I felt about this, you can imagine!
Anyway I'm delighted. Depending on how the next round of treatment and probable surgery goes, its likely it will be next spring before I start proper, but in the next 2 weeks i'm going to get on the bike again for some more of these little 'test runs'.
Starting again from pretty much zero fitness and a lot of extra weight; for much of the last 2 years I havent been able to walk very far due to pre-op pain/post op recovery, so I'm going to take it VERY gradually with the emphasis initially on pleasure (and flat ground)..improved health and fitness will follow but I'm not going to give myself a heart attack in the proccess. I forgot how much fun cycling was; just that short easy ride around the estate made me feel really good.
Bad timing given winter is upon us, but I'm in the cycling mindset again and ready to go as and when I can :0)

Welcome, I hope everything works out for you! :thumbsup:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
hi all
new to this forum (even if I've been lurkin' for a few months)
56 yo, work as a doctor in the ICU of my town hospital in nothern italy, commute to work daily riding for 15 km (7,5 x2) and love cyclotouring holidays.
here in this week-end winter has settled in: 4°C and 5 cm snow at 400 m over sea level. tomorrow will be the first real cold ride in this season.

Benvenuto Beppe! :welcome:
Allora fa piu' freddo da voi che da noi in Scozia al momento? Ce l'hai le Marathon Winters?
Io si', per il ghiaccio piu' che per la neve, che da noi in citta' si vede poco.

Oooh, get you Pat!!

Buongiorno by the way Beppe!!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Hi Everyone,

New to this forum, but I must say how good it is. I cam back to cycling in May on my 40th. Mid-life crisis? Maybe, but enjoying it loads. Bought my first road bike - a Boardman Race. I live in France and was able to get the Boardman for 550 euros delivered by Wiggle. Bargain I think. What does everyone think of the Boardman?

Boardman is a reasonably respected make, being designed as they are by Chris Boardman, they offer great value for money too, so you don't have anything to worry about with them - you can do a LOT worse, put it that way!

Welcome and all the best!!

..... I am trying to up my post count for various reasons, so I'm replying to old posts! :laugh:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Have just registered.
Male 46 years old. Live in Preston.
Just bought my first road bike after using hybrid for last 12 months.


Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Hi Shaun, I'd welcome your comments re cyclists trying to emulate Bradley and the Olympic brigade. I live in Shropshire and drive a car. ( far quicker than any limits, whilst safely, but thats my pleasure ). This weekend we had quite severe early morning fog - car headlights and fog lamps required. I was amazed to see some idiots sporting go faster, non reflective, Bradley gear without any front or rear lights on their racing bikes!! I know they are trying to emulate their heroes but I hate for them to end up in the same place as Tommy Simpson. Put some lights on please - it is the poor motorist who will get the blame and the mental anguish for driving at speeds below the limit in such harsh conditions.


Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Hi from carmarthenshire!

My name is Rachel, and I've not long bought myself a lovely classic road bike, I wasn't sure if I would like
Getting back on a bike, but I gave it a go, and I really enjoy it! I've re-vamped my bike a bit and got some gear lol.

Got some cycle tracks nearby so try to get out on weekends if my kids pets and
Housework let me!

There that's me!

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