Cat said:I've had a thought, im gonna stick with the shoes i have, i know its more money i have to spend out, but i think the road pedals maybe better as they are bigger, if that makes sense.
I just need to know what ones will fit my shoes and what clips i have to get.
Thanks everyone for your replys
Any road type pedal will work e.g. Look Keo or Shimano SPD-SL.
Then you need the appropriate triangular plastic cleat with 3 holes (they are all the same spacing).
I use the Look Keo classics with the grey cleats (included)
Float is the amount of movement your feet get before they unclip e.g. the grey Looks give 4.5 degrees of movement which for me is more than enough.
The Look Keo Easy is a slightly cheaper pedal but appear to be out of stock on most websites. Amazon have some with grey cleats for £35.99
Or you could go for the Shimano versions like the PD-R540 SPD SL also inc cleats. These are the Shimano SPD SL cleats.
There are also other brands but these are the most common and most LBS will have replacement cleats for when you wear them out.
Be aware though that these do wear out very quickly compared to the SPD mountain bike versions. I've just replaced my Looks which wore out after about 4 months of heavy use. But I use mine everyday for commuting, so lots of un-clipping involved.
Also some cleat covers are worth getting if you want to walk around in them.
If these are your first clipless pedals then practise a lot before you get out on the road. Position myself next to a fence and sit on the bike just un-clipping and clipping back in until you get the hang of it.
When clipping back in on the road, don't rush!! If you miss the pedal there is no grip on the middle of the shoe and your foot will go flying forward which could get messy.
I much prefer them to SPD pedals especially if your doing long distances.
Good luck