New Neighbours

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Rhythm Thief said:
Well, yes. I regularly reverse an artic with a few inches either side.
Honest, I'm not having a go for the sake of it. There genuinely looks to be plenty of room to get in and out (reversing or otherwise) in your picture.

Well you are a professional driver, and I'm just a girl with a car that has no power steering :smile:

Still doesn't detract from the fact that it's rude and inconsiderate parking. Regardless of the percieved size of my drive it still causes me an inconvience and I don't see why their lack of parking facility should be a detriment to mine. I'll not be swayed from this view, although I have taken on board others comments and I'm prepared to be accomodating in the interest of neighbourly relations.

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Plax said:
Well you are a professional driver, and I'm just a girl with a car that has no power steering :smile:

Still doesn't detract from the fact that it's rude and inconsiderate parking. Regardless of the percieved size of my drive it still causes me an inconvience and I don't see why their lack of parking facility should be a detriment to mine. I'll not be swayed from this view, although I have taken on board others comments and I'm prepared to be accomodating in the interest of neighbourly relations.

Ok, I suppose that's fair comment.:biggrin:


New Member
deleted in light of comments made since the quoted text.

i do think i could reverse a mini bus in, but i'm used to maneuvering round the pillars holding a building of my uni up to get it into its parking bay!

its not as acceptable in a domestic setting and i can see how it can be annoying.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
domtyler said:
Friendly relations only go so far Plax. I strongly advise you to lay down ground rules from the off set, or nip any problems in the bud to quote the famous cliché. The longer they are allowed to go on, the harder it will be to put an end to them.

Indeed, appeasement never works. Next thing you know they'll have invaded Poland.

Mr Pig

New Member
asterix said:
Indeed, appeasement never works.

I'm sorry but that's just daft. Getting along with the people living around you is by far the best way to enjoy a happy life. Ok, if they happen to be Hitler then maybe being resonable won't work but most human beings arn't too bad once you've got to know them. I'm just a tad concerned that she's getting all fired up for war when she's not even tried diplomacy yet.


Another comment about the picture, it looks like your neighbour has really tried hard to shove his car up to the one behind, it's not as if he's being lazy.

Hope you get it sorted and soon you'll all be sharing a neighbourly beer over a bbq :tongue:



Über Member
Mr Pig said:
I'm sorry but that's just daft. Getting along with the people living around you is by far the best way to enjoy a happy life. Ok, if they happen to be Hitler then maybe being resonable won't work but most human beings arn't too bad once you've got to know them. I'm just a tad concerned that she's getting all fired up for war when she's not even tried diplomacy yet.

That strategy may work in your little rural villages in North Lanarkshire but things work slightly differently in the burbs of East London.


Legendary Member
It does look like there is room to get in and out,but it is still annoying when someone encroaches on an entrance,an old workmate had the problem of someone completely blocking his drive,it took a threat with a baseball bat and the indication that the car would be on the recieving end if it was there again,but that was after numerous requests which were ignored.


domtyler said:
That strategy may work in your little rural villages in North Lanarkshire but things work slightly differently in the burbs of East London.
I don't think it matters where you live. I try to be civil and approachable from the outset. No need to go looking for a fight when a situation could be resolved amicably.


New Member
could take my uncles option of driving old land rovers and go with the option of "I am getting out in 10 mins car blocking my drive or not"

people generally do move.

Mr Pig

New Member
domtyler said:
That strategy may work in your little rural villages but things work differently in East London.

Well yes, but then London is horrible! I honestly don't know why anyone would activly want to live there.

I have a mate who's drive is 'V' shaped, you can park three cars on it but the pavment end is narrow and the drive opening takes up the whole width of the front of the garden. Because there is no pavement in front of his house if you can't get onto his drive you have to park in front of next doors house. It's not a big deal as their house faces round the other way and so you're not blocking their drive or even sitting at the front, you're kind of round to the side.

The people are really possesive though and had said to Richard about parking there a few times. He's a nice guy but he's not soft so he just told them he wasn't doing anything wrong parking there so they could get stuffed.

One day the guy next door came round to Richard and said: "Listen mate I just saw some kids scratch your car! There were four of them, I shouted but they ran off. That's what happens if you leave your car in the street I guess"

Richard had been working in the garage with the door open and knew fine well it wasn't any mystery kids, he knew the guy had scratched the car himself. He waited 'till later on, sneaked round the back and scratched the guys car! Then he went up to the door and said "Those kids you were talking about, they cam back and I just saw them go round round your back and scratch your car. Terrible isn't it, your car's not safe anywhere."

The guy knew what Richard had done but couldn't say a thing about it ;0)

Richard used to be a keen cyclist incidently, I used to go out with him but strugled to keep up. These days he's too busy. Oh and he also has seven daughters! Very weird...


rich p said:
Get the council to paint a white line on the road, the width of the drive. They do it round here.

I could enquire, but if some people don't mind parking in front of other peoples drives as a matter of course, I can't see what difference a white line would make. Some people are just ignorant and don't give a sh*t.

Anyway, I've had a chat to the neighbours and they seem amicable enough. All very pleasant and all that. I think one of them is South African or Australian, he had a funny accent anyways. Maz will be proud as I asked how they were settling in and when the bin and recycling is collected. I very kindly told them of alternative parking available that wouldn't upset other neighbours (I mean there's a free car park round the corner and parking further down the road, and sometimes parking at the top of the road so it isn't as if they have to walk miles). So far so good. I suppose I'll find out tonight. I've been very nice and friendly so hopefully that will make them feel really guilty if they do it again.


Plax said:
Maz will be proud as I asked how they were settling in and when the bin and recycling is collected. I very kindly told them of alternative parking available that wouldn't upset other neighbours (I mean there's a free car park round the corner and parking further down the road, and sometimes parking at the top of the road so it isn't as if they have to walk miles). So far so good. I suppose I'll find out tonight. I've been very nice and friendly so hopefully that will make them feel really guilty if they do it again.
I am proud. Good for you, Plax. Well done.

Btw, if the fella is from SA (and you feel suitably confident) you can say to him "Hoe gaan dit?" (pronounced "oo khaan dit?") or simply "Howzit?" (pronounced "Owzit?") - they both mean "How are you?" in Afrikaans.
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