It only takes one house to spoil the many happy and peaceful years that you have undoubtedly enjoyed before now. We have had a new neighbour nearby within the past 12mths that appears to love power tools and is constantly making things (especially on lovely relaxing sunny days), as well as noisy kids, a gobby wife and a bloody big Saint Bernard dog with an annoying deep bark!
I was brought up to respect other people's peace & privacy which included keeping the noise down between certain hours so I struggle to understand those with a total disregard for that. It is as if they believe that the louder they are 'in public' then others will think that they are such fun people and want to be just like them. The same applies to those who over exaggerate their phone calls in public, or when sitting on their drive using the blue-tooth at full volume. And don't get me started on people who ask you how much you have paid for everything
Oh bugger, look what you've done to me now